Sunday, May 24, 2020
Essay on Humanistic Psychology - 1101 Words
Augustine was a saint and philosopher. Some of Augustine’s thought can be related to the practice of humanistic psychology. My professional focus is the psychotherapy category called Humanistic-Experiential. Humanistic-Experiential therapies are, â€Å"psychotherapies emphasizing personal growth and self-direction†(Butcher, et al, 2006). The humanistic approach places primary importance upon human interests, values, and most importantly the belief in human potentials (Schultz Schultz, 2009, pp297). Augustine’s idea of knowledge and understanding confront human problems of thinking and behavior. Humanistic psychology is able to help address the complexity of happiness and love according to Augustine. Humanistic theories are growth oriented,†¦show more content†¦The highest level of knowledge is the knowledge of God. According to Augustine, happiness is the ultimate goal of human behavior (Stumpf, pp65). We must go beyond just the natural world to the spiritual in order to experience happiness. It is the consequence of our human condition that we seek happiness. We are incomplete as humans separate from God; therefore, can only find happiness in God â€Å"since we were made by him to find it in him†(Stumpf, pp66). Humans search for happiness through love. It is inevitable for people to love because it is a condition of our incompleteness. We can love objects, others, and ourselves. Different human needs prompt different acts of love (Stumpf, pp66). Some of these needs are positive regard, unconditional positive regard, and positive self-regard. Positive regard is given to infants and children from the primary care-giver. Unconditional positive regard occurs when approval is granted regardless of a person’s behavior (Schultz Schultz, pp330). From these needs, stems the reciprocal idea of positive regard. Objects are able to give a limited amount of satisfaction. However, the deep need for human companionship is only met with relationship. Inanimate objects cannot substitute for a human being. The spiritual need should prompt our love of God (Stumpf, pp67). People are made to love God, and God is infinite. Only God can satisfy the precise need for the infinite. Love of these things brings anShow MoreRelatedHumanistic Psychology Essay1421 Words  | 6 PagesClassical Greece and Europe of the Renaissance, when such affirmations were expressed. Humanistic Psychology is a contemporary manifestation of that ongoing commitment. Its message is a response to the denigration of the human spirit that has so often been implied in the image of the person drawn by behavioral and social sciences. Ivan Pavlovs work with the conditioned reflex had given birth to an academic psychology in the United States led by John Watson, which came to be called the science of behaviorRead More Humanistic Psychology Essay1424 Words  | 6 PagesClassical Greece and Europe of the Renaissance, when such affirmations were expressed. Humanistic Psychology is a contemporary manifestation of that ongoing commitment. Its message is a response to the denigration of the human spirit that has so often been implied in the image of the person drawn by behavioral and social sciences. Ivan Pavlovs work with the conditioned reflex had given birth to an academic psychology in the United States led by John Watson, which came to be called quot;the scienceRead MoreHumanistic Psychology Essay1631 Words  | 7 Pagescontributions to psychology, it has influenced the understanding and practices of the humanistic movement, specifically with the therapies for the different mental disorders. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Religion And Politics The Dwindling Of Secularism
Religion and Politics: The Dwindling of Secularism Everyone has morals and beliefs that set a baseline for what they value. Values vary between individuals, but for many, religion is the root from where these values stem. While it is good to morally question, today personal religious affiliation is increasing in collective matters and actions, expressed in politics, protests, and biased beliefs. It is important to note that religion and politics are two different domains that should not intermingle. Religion is a personal ideology while politics embodies a rational, collective process. Good politics are policy oriented and not concerned with external factors related to politicians and their personal lives. Contemporary politics do not hold the same political legitimacy that it intended to have at the founding, and increasing religious activism in the political process is a large contributor to the corresponding decline. Policy and religion have different ends. The former is geared towards justice and order, while the latter towards à ¢â‚¬Å"a purpose beyond all human purposes†. These domains hold different objectives and therefore have no reason to be intertwined, for â€Å"the cornerstone on which the separation of church and state rests . . . is the belief that religion cannot be involved with politics or politics with a particular religion without threatening their mutual destruction†(Thompson 14). America is a nation that takes pride in its exceptionalism, for the statutes of theShow MoreRelatedDubais Political and Economic Development: Essay38738 Words  | 155 Pagespurpose of further drawing out the factors which have led to Dubais development outcome. The first such case will be Saudi Arabia. It is appropriate because while it shares many of Dubais characteristics, such as its Arab ethnicity, its Islamic religion, its monarchic, authoritarian political system, and its oil rents, it has had much higher degrees of politically instability and a comparatively weak economy. To control for thi s states large size in relation to Dubai and the U.A.E., an examinationRead MoreGeorge Orwell23689 Words  | 95 Pagessects only influenced minorities. And yet they have retained a deep tinge of Christian feeling, while almost forgetting the name of Christ. The power-worship which is the new religion of Europe, and which has infected the English intelligentsia, has never touched the common people. They have never caught up with power politics. The ‘realism’ which is preached in Japanese and Italian newspapers would horrify them. One can learn a good deal about the spirit of England from the comic coloured postcardsRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesHistory and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and Culture in Recent America Joanne Meyerowitz, ed., History and September 11th John McMillian and Paul Buhle, eds., The New Left Revisited David M. Scobey, Empire City: The Making and Meaning of the New York City Landscape Gerda Lerner, Fireweed:Read MorePrimary Sector of Economy17717 Words  | 71 Pageswith significant future potential such as solar, wind and biofuels (jatropha, sugarcane). Indias huge thorium reserves – about 25% of worlds reserves – are expected to fuel the countrys ambitious nuclear energy program in the long-run. Indias dwindling uranium reserves stagnated the growth of nuclear energy in the country for many years.[99] However, the Indo-US nuclear deal has paved the way for India to import uranium from other countries.[100] [edit] Infrastructure India has the worlds third
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Biblical Themes in Shakespeares the Tempest
Biblical Themes in Shakespeares The Tempest Shakespeare is one of the most prolific and admired writers who ever lived. He certainly knew his craft and was familiar with all of the literature available at the time. One of the greatest books ever written was of course the bible. Written over the course of more than a thousand years it is a miracle in itself that the book exists. Shakespeare knew his bible, and his work often incorporated and examined biblical themes. Shakespeares last completed work was The Tempest, and it is as complex and deeply moving as any of his works. Readers of the play respond on a much deeper level than the literal. In and of itself it is actually a very simple tale, it is the characters who are†¦show more content†¦Corruption and brutality are evil and problematic in the end for the power wielder, as when Pharaoh and all his subjects lose their firstborn children to the wrath of God for their mistreatment of his chosen people. Gonzalo is representative of the righteous power figure; he helped Prospero and his daughter to escape after Antonio usurped Prosperos title. Alonso represents the negative, or corruption of power; he aided Antonio in usurping Prosperos power. Prospero mirrors both in the differing ways he treats Ariel and Caliban. A case can certainly be made that it is precisely because of Prosperos treatment differs so does the servants willingness to serve differ. Shakespeares Prospero also mirrors Joseph from Genesis. Both characters are betrayed by their brothers and cast out into exile from their homes. Both characters are transformed by their exile. Prospero like all who visit the island is changed by it, and Joseph is transformed from lowliest slave or prisoner to mighty lieutenant of Potiphar or Pharaoh. Lois Feuer states, self-redemption, so crucial to our understanding of the protagonists, comes as each returns himself to the social context (Milan; the group of brothers and father) from which he has been isolated. (2.) The theme of mercy and retribution is developed throughout the bible. Both Joseph and Prospero chose not to take advantage of their power to seek revenge uponShow MoreRelated biblical themes in shakespeares the tempest Essay1713 Words  | 7 Pages Biblical Themes in Shakespeare’s The Tempest nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Shakespeare is one of the most prolific and admired writers who ever lived. He certainly knew his craft and was familiar with all of the literature available at the time. One of the greatest books ever written was of course the bible. Written over the course of more than a thousand years it is a miracle in itself that the book exists. 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He subjected a chaotic message onto the order and stability of known works and history to embody human behavior. â⠂¬Å"The Waste Land†and â€Å"The Hollow Men†displaysRead More A Comparison of God and Satan in Paradise Lost Essay1571 Words  | 7 PagesComparison of God and Satan in Paradise Lost    In this essay I shall be focusing on the characters of G-d and Satan from Paradise Lost by John Milton. Within the essay I shall be attempting to elucidate on the themes of ambiguity of the two characters as well as the uncertainty of moral integrity of each, characterized by Johns Miltons use of sentence structure, private thoughts and symbolism.  Foremost I would like to look at the way the way in which Milton characterizes theRead More The Seriousness of in Shakespeares Comedy of Errors Essay examples1916 Words  | 8 Pagestook (and doubled) the comic slave who suffers a loss of self-certainty, a wife facing inadvertent adultery with a doppelganger, and a golden gift, a cup that Shakespeare transforms into a chain (Riehle 36-40). From both plays he took comic routines, themes of suspicion and strai For example, by changing the Menaechmis chatty and expository prologue into a sad tale of family separation mourned by Aegeon, he places the tale itself squarely into the middle of the action, in the immediate present. EvenRead More Love in To His Coy Mistress, Shall I Compare Thee, Let Me Not, and The Flea3166 Words  | 13 Pagesthem to seize the day and sleep with each other. Flattery is shown in the poem when Marvell says, â€Å"Thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze, Two hundred to adore each breast.†The main purpose of ‘Shall I Compare Thee’ is to praise and flatter Shakespeare’s loved one. Shakespeare is praising his mistress when he says she is ‘better than the best’ because summer is the best time of the year and Shakespeare is saying she is better than summer. â€Å"Thou art more lovely and more temperate†shows that
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Strategy Deployment in Business Units †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Strategy Deployment in Business Units. Answer: Introduction Many organizations around the world have expanded their business in different countries. As such those countries have their own working culture and types of employees who are native to that place and are different in culture and behavior (Huang et al. 2017). To manage the work which will be done in offices of foreign countries there is a need to train and staff those offices according to the working environment in that particular country. It forms the most key component of the management of human resource on the international level determines the success and failure of the organization in international business. The main function of an organization in this perspective is to hire, train and prepare their employees and to compensate them with programs of performance management (Huang et al. 2017). A few years back, expanding the company to global level was considered to be a luxury which very few companies could afford due to their nature of the business or due to their strong balance sheet. But in todays world going global has become a need for any company to survive because depending upon the market opportunities of any one country may prove to be problematic in the long run. There are many risks in doing business in just one economic scenario which makes the business dependent on the local economic environment. With the passage of time, any business done on local level gets threatened by competition. These factors have laid a path of globalizing the business for major players in the market and has proved to be beneficial for many. With the development of technology especially in the field of communication and information managing business in another country has become easier. These innovations have brought a revolutionary trend in the trade market as every company capable of expanding its business is now game for establishing an office or two in the foreign countries. But when this expansion or migration happens there comes a need for hiring, training and maintaining staff which is done by human resource managers by formulating human resource policies. The following business report contains the nitty-gritty of the importance of efficient staffing methods adopted by a company which intends to operate its business in the foreign land (Demeter 2017). The entire process includes staffing, training and compensating workers who will perform business operations in foreign offices and their methods of managing expatriates. Factors of selection are also discussed in details. Need for hiring for Global Operations In todays world, top officials of all the multinational companies have realized the need and importance of an effective human resource management to stay ahead in the competitive business environment and gain profit for their business (Anand and Gray 2017). Human resource has become the key to improving business prospects in the international market and has been given more emphasis by the stakeholders. Their main focus has been on formulating policies which can help them in hiring, managing and retaining employees who are like assets to their company. This practice gives them the competitive advantage as these employees get well versed and experienced in managing global operations (Panda 2017). There are some factors which determine the success of the international business of a company which is the level of internationalization, the global scope of a specific company and a particular choice of the organization. When a company doing business in its base country suddenly expands its business at the global level, their staff start operating in different countries with no prior experience or expertise in that dimension (Anand and Gray 2017). This creates operational hazards in the company which can be loss bearing. Therefore, there is a need for these companies to hire such employees who are dynamic and can quickly adapt themselves in multinational environments. Need for global staffing has become prominent due to the reasons that organizations have realized the importance of hiring employees at a higher level with international exposure, hiring is more complex when it comes to international standards, the performance of expatriates and development of multicultural workforce at the global level (Panda 2017). Staffing for Foreign Operations When it comes to global hiring, companies are keen to have different global staff types and require definite approaches and policies of hiring. There are three main categories of which the global staffs are put which are third-country nationals, host-country experts, and expatriates. A host-country expert is a citizen of the country in which the satellite office of the company is situated (Zhou 2015). An expatriate is an employee of the organization who is a citizen of the country where the company is headquartered. As the name goes a third country national is an employee who is a citizen of one country, working in another country but is employed by the company established in a third country. Global staffing of a company depends on the factor of its internationalization stage and other factors which are determined by the four basic approaches of staffing. These approaches are ethnocentric, geo-centric, regiocentric and polycentric. Each of these staffing approaches is unique in itself and respond to different challenges and createsvariety of opportunities in the context of international operations (Elliott, Li and Ghosh 2017). Since the company is more or less oblivious to the rules and regulations of taxation and other company laws which are prevalent in the respective country, the hiring of employees from that particular country becomes important. It is because the local citizens of any specific country have knowledge about the existing laws and regulations of their country which makes the business operations of the company hassle free (Zhou 2015). The four approaches of global staffing are discussed below. This approach is mainly adopted by the companies to hire officials at the higher management levels in the foreign country. The company is known to put employees of the home country at senior managerial positions in the foreign office. This notion is believed that home-country issues will have more weight than the local issues and the expatriates will be inclined towards representing opinions of the home-office (Elliott, Li and Ghosh 2017). It is important to keep a leash on the operations of the foreign office from the home-office so that the business authority does not get disoriented. Mainly, the ethnocentric approach is adopted by the companies when they are at a certain level of internationalization or tend to have strategic expansion. This approach is centered for filling key managerial positions by the employees of the parent country. When the company adopts this approach, it has been observed that home-based employees, policies and practices are considered to be superior, to the foreigners who are working in another country who is said to be second class (Marino, Aversa and Mesquita 2013). This approach is considered to be the best when a company is in its early expansion phase and needs more control and authority in its new office. It can be justified that parent country officials know the goals and policies of the organization better than the foreigners and they design the flow of operations in their own familiar way. This approach is also used when there is an inadequate hiring of local officials who try to change the basic business operations of the company. Polycentric Approach On the contrary of ethnocentric approach, the polycentric approach focuses on staffing employees who are local talent. According to this philosophy, a company who follows this approach tends to staff foreign offices with citizens of that particular country and hire citizens of the parent company for their home offices (Marino, Aversa and Mesquita 2013). In this approach, local citizens are given important managerial posts in the offices of their own country. It becomes the part of a multinational strategy which is adopted by the companies in their expansion phase. It seems to be relevant as the local citizens tend to know the local business trends and culture, local competition, demands of the people and local market. This makes that foreign subsidiary almost independent in which the local managers are the key aspects (Roh et al. 2017). There are many advantages of this approach which takes the business of subsidiary office to the next level. This approach facilitates strong familiarity of operations of business with the local customs and traditions. It bypasses the problem of language barrier without a doubt which helps in accomplishing expatriate goals (Roh et al. 2017). Staffing local people at the top positions, a company wins over the hearts and minds of the local government and people who start to believe that the company can be trusted and can prove to be beneficial in doing business with. There are some regulations in different countries about the percentage of employment of local staff which needs to be complied without which business operations will not be possible (Schlickel 2015). This approach caters to that issue with much ease. Regiocentric Approach As the name suggests, this approach is based on the notion of hiring people from regional levels. The philosophy behind this approach is that the employee which is to be hired should be best in the region (Sparrow, Brewster and Chong 2017). It is observed that regiocentric approach is a wider form of polycentric approach as it ranges to large regions of the world in which the managers are allowed to transit between the business modules established in different countries of the same region. It is mainly practiced in the European Union. This approach allows the mixture of host-country nationals, parent country nationals, and expatriates to be posted in any region according to the need of the business operations. This gives makes the global operations more dynamic (Sparrow, Brewster and Chong 2017). According to (Oshri, Kotlarsky and Willcocks 2015) the regiocentric approach is becoming more popular among the multinational companies and they are changing their business operations on the guidelines of regional hiring. One of the major reason for this paradigm shift is the low cost of support services which were duplicated in other approaches. It has been observed that most of the multinational companies adopt regiocentric approach and practice their business operations in a particular region and also derive revenue from specific regions only. But there is a downside to this approach as the managers who are practicing this approach would focus and apply their talent in small regions only and will not expand their scope outside their regions of strength (Oshri, Kotlarsky and Willcocks 2015). This forfeits the entire concept of internationalization to some extent. This approach is neutral of the place of company establishment and citizenship of an employee. It is more of a merit-based staffing approach in which the employees who are best in their job domains are placed at top managerial positions (Nguyen 2017). The company focuses on building up a robust international management team in which the employees are free to move in nearby countries. This approach is also known as the global approach as employees are hired from all around the world irrespective of their nationality in the same country as that of the host company (Nguyen 2017). It is also termed as the colorblind approach as the color of the passport a manager carries does not matter to the higher management which indicates that the manager can be a parent, third or a host country national. It is the most appropriate staffing approach if a company wants to make a global operational team competent enough to handle business operation in any corner of the world (Stahl, Mendenhall and Oddou 2012). But the company also needs to keep in mind the costs of operations, the practice of global business and variations in culture. When there are no restrictions on the nationality of employees at the time of hiring then it opens up a big pool of professionals who are experts in their respective fields and know the international business operations of different countries and are up for hiring. This proves to be the most beneficial approach in the long run for any organization. This adds to the diversity of managers of an organization (Stahl, Mendenhall and Oddou 2012). Factors of selection for foreign employees The success and failure of international business operations of an organization depend on the selection of employees (Bumblauskas 2017). The selection process must be overseen by the experienced top management officials as the process should portray a clear picture of the nature of work and operations which will be performed in the organization and the conditions of work in which the employees will be sent (Slack, Brandon-Jones and Johnston 2017). It is the task of human resource management team to formulate a policy for hiring in which the requirement of business operations is identified. This will pinpoint the type of expertise and qualifications of employees needed for the job. Factors of consideration at the time of recruitment of employees are the ability of an employee to get the job done, personal character and commitment towards the job, skills of communication which includes knowledge of different languages and ethical perspectives for honest working (Slack, Brandon-Jones and Johnston 2017). The opinion of the employee about different cultures existing in the world is also important for his adaptability. The cultural adjustments which the employee has to make, contain aspects such as cultural awareness, cultural adaptability, acceptance of diversity, and global experiences. Personal characteristics of the employee should be endowed with emotional stability, tolerance of ambiguity, capacity to take risks and capability to cope with stress (Bumblauskas 2017). Some organizational requirements for getting hired are knowledge of work in an organization, technical abilities, and skills which can be used in doing the job. There should be some communication skills which are mainly concerned with the capability of language understanding, non-verbal awareness, listening and coaching and skills to resolve conflicts in the organization (Lee and Tang 2017). Expansion and training for expatriates Expatriates alone cannot be successful, so they need coaching and training to perform global operations. From time to time, to maintain the level of competence all employees maybe at any level of management need to be trained and upgrade their knowledge base and skillset. I case of global operations training is the most critical issue which determines the success and failure of the organization. According to (Lee and Tang 2017) expatriates experience cross-cultural diversity which ends up in circumstances to which the employee is oblivious. No pre-departure training can vet them to handle problems which they may face in a foreign land. But to some extent, pre-departure training can give them the idea about the nature of encounters which they may face and they can prepare themselves accordingly. After going to foreign land for the purpose of work an expatriate has to maintain many relationships inside and outside the organization (Pashaei and Olhager 2017). Some of these are family relation, global and local relation, internal relation, relation with headquarter and relation with the government of host country. It is due to this reason that expatriates need to be culturally trained and instructed in linguistics to be accustomed to the day to day lifestyle of the respective country (Ito and Ikeuchi 2017). Some people are reluctant to live in certain countries due to the climate of that country or eating habits of that person which does not allow them to survive for much longer. These restrictions should not be there if one intends to work in a multinational organization and should be employable anywhere around the world. Cross-cultural Training According to (Ernst and Viegelahn 2014) cross-cultural training of employees is both important as well as a complex philosophy. This type of training helps the expatriates a lot in getting used to the culture and customs of the host country and saves them from the cultural shock which they can experience. First of all, there is a sense of despair and anxiety in the minds of employees who leave their homeland to work in a foreign country. There are many barriers they have to overcome in a very short period of time (Miemczyk 2012). Moreover, the difference in culture makes them feel insecure about the understanding of nature of people and customs prevalent in the host country. Cross-cultural training gives them the idea of the culture in which they are going to work so that the employees can figure out the way to adapt themselves and do not get surprised by new customs (Bills, Di Stasio and Grxhani 2017). This training includes teachings about the values which are sacrosanct in other culture, what is the historical, political and economic stance of the other culture, how the values of the other culture can be expressed through attitudes and behaviors. The expatriates who attend the cross-cultural training benefit a great deal from it as they learn to increase their social quotient, styles of management, structure management, planning in a strategic manner, skills of management and enhance their knowledge in the field of technology (Zachary 2013). Conclusion It can be concluded from the above discussion that global business operations have become a very vital part of business strategy in the recent years. There has been a change in trend when it comes to trading at the global level. Almost all the multinational companies have expanded their business units from their home country to other foreign countries keeping their subsidiary offices in important cities in the world. To run business in different parts of the world the employees should be staffed, maintained and trained in such a way that they could be competent and can bring profits to the company. For that purpose, human resource management team has to draw some policies and adopt some staffing approaches which can help them in establishing a framework of international operations through their staffs and employees. The kind of staff which will be recruited depends mainly on the level of business a company is doing and the stage of internationalization it is in. After observing these two factors it is found that what kind of staffing approach will be appropriate to apply which can yield the best results according to the circumstances. It was observed from the above discussion that the nature of approach determines the success and failure of international operations of the company. Finally, there are some requirements of the company which is expected from the employees to have in order to be employed and works in the global environment and they are needed to comply with those requirements for their own benefits. Before posting the employees in a foreign land and in unknown situations all multinational companies provide them training of different work aspects and vet them to adapt to unfamiliar situations. It can be summed up to say that every company who wants to expand its base from home country to the global level needs to have a robust HR team to staff, train, maintain and compensate employees for global business operations. Reference Anand, G. and Gray, J. 2017. Strategy and organization research in operations management.Journal of Operations Management. Bills, D., Di Stasio, V. and Grxhani, K. 2017. The Demand Side of Hiring: Employers in the Labor Market.Annual Review of Sociology, 43(1), pp.291-310. Bumblauskas, D. 2017. 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