Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The link between leadership and motivation
The link between leadership and motivation Introduction Self motivation is very crucial for those who have the ambition of being leaders at some point in life. This is especially applicable to those who are starters. The type of motivation required in order to ascend to high level of leadership is powerful. It is not a matter of chance that leaders with high capability come into being. It often entails an individual taking a decisive step to cultivate that success regardless of the huddles on the way. Hence, leadership and motivation are so much interrelated that they cannot be separated. Styles used in leadership have a greater impact in an organisation. Workers who are well lead become self motivated to deliver their best effort. Therefore, it is definite that changes in leadership style can improve motivation at workplace. The link between leadership style and motivation According to Manning and Curtis, there are two aspects of caring leadership: first is commitment to task; second and equally important, is concern for people (10). Effective leaders have the potential to inspire workers in an organisation and in turn improve productivity. Leaders need to create passion among workers so that they can see meaning and sense in the different roles they are playing. Both passion and inspiration are key ingredients in motivation. They can be cultivated by sound leadership styles. Leadership style which attempts to share and impart the significance of vision of an organisation with the rest of employees is very important in the process of motivating workers. Once every employee understands the common goal and objectives of an organization as enshrined in its vision statement, it will be quite easy for leaders to build motivation in them. Employees will only have a powerful desire to achieve the goals of an organisation if they understand or identify themselves with its vision (Maddock Fulton 15). It is only through a relational leadership style that vision can be shared from the top leadership to junior employees. An effective leadership style will ensure that workers are well informed of the impact of the vision and mission of the organisation (Clegg, Kornberger Tyrone 241). They should be made to feel part and parcel of the entire process of achieving success as well as enjoying the beneficial outcomes of their commitment. Once this is achieved, workers will be motivated not only because they have attractive fringe benefits but also because they have a bright future together with the organization. Poor leadership will conceal pertinent information from workers. This will make them have a feeling of alienation from the organisation and become less motivated. It is common knowledge that people will tend to have personal drive if they know quite well that they have something to benefit from or be excited about either in the short or long term. When such employee relation is achieved, then the work of a leader will be very smooth. Leaders who understand the fact that they need to create a close working relationship with employees are often successful. It is out of being close with fellow workers that it will be easy to identify and solve their problems at work and therefore motivate them. The link between leadership and motivation has scarcely been researched upon in the past although each of the concepts has been studied at great length (Daft 225). The manner in which the two components of organizational behavior interact is very important in ensuring positive growth in a business organisation. Since it is not possible to measure or quantify motivation, its impacts in an organization can only be felt or realized in the performance of a company over a given period of time. The process of motivation is complex and unless the impact of leadership on the latter is brought on board, it may not be an easy task. Nevertheless, it is sometimes possible for a leader in an organisation to motivate workers without translating to positive outcome in the organization. There are several initiatives which can be put in place in order to motivate workers. However, it is imperative to point out that any such measures can be hampered or enhanced by the leadership style in operation. For example, most workers will be motivated to offer their services if they have job satisfaction. This cannot exist in an organization unless it is well cultivated. It is upon the leader to change the leadership style for employees to derive satisfaction at work. For instance, one way of making sure that employees are satisfied at their place of work is by reducing the level of supervision. Effective leaders do not supervise their juniors too closely. This may create an environment of discomfort and a feeling of being threatened. Most workers would generally prefer to work with minimal control. This is also important because each one of them is made should be made accountable and responsible as well. Additionally, good leadership will recognize the extra effort by employee s. Exceptional performance by workers ought to be rewarded. Both monetary and verbal recognition from the leadership is welcome so that motivation can be enhanced. When organizational members are motivated, it leaves a positive impact on the performance of the organization. Further, theories of motivation like that of Marslow attempt to expound how leadership may be linked to motivation. Leaders in an organization are directly correlated to the growth and motivation of employees depending on the style used. Much research indicates that the top leadership has a key role to play in the determination of companys performance. Positive growth can only be achieved in a case whereby workers are wholly devoted and committed to the realization of the set goals and objectives. Nevertheless, there are some instances when leadership has been considered to be a subsidiary factor as far as organizational performance is concerned. The argument is that junior employees are the one who execute the actual task in an organization while leaders are mainly mandated to give guidance and direction on what is supposed to be done. It is perhaps better to consider teams within an organisation and investigate how team leaders can motivate workers. There is a vivid evidence that the presence of a team leader in an organization is a real motivating factor to workers ( Adler Allison 192). The level of motivation may be quite low whenever a team leader is absent. From this perspective, the general perception is that leaders who steer small teams in organizations are more influential to the teams they are leading compared to top executives. This can be explained from the fact they are very close to the rest of team members and will often listen and act expeditiously to arising issues. Moreover, workers are found to be less motivated when their team leader has been substituted with another one. It takes a significant amount of time before the team can adjust itself to the changes. Nevertheless, it is imperative to underscore the fact that it is only transformational leadership which can usher full motivation. Leadership styles are different and so is the application. One main factor which often leads to team members being motivated in the presence of their leader is the team bonding spirit which develops with time. Members in a team tend to bond emotionally with their leader to the extent that separating the two becomes tricky. Even in cases where a substitute team leader is brought on board, he or she is more or less regarded as a manager but not a leader. This implies that the link between effective leadership and motivation is not instantaneous. It is a process which demands time and space. However, there are demerits when leaders bond too closely with team members. For instance, charismatic leaders who seem to be all efficient and fail to delegate roles to members may prove to be fruitless in the long run. Such leaders fail to empower team members leading to de-motivation. Leaders who take control position of their teams and leave nothing to chance also fall into this category. Members of a team need to be given the chance to exercise their abilities bearing in mind that each one of them has unique potential different from the rest. Notwithstanding this argument, organizations which have established a culture of exemplary performance may not experience much of the impact of charismatic leaders. This is diffused by the growth momentum of the organization. At this point, it is crucial to note that there are some team leadership styles which can uplift the team spirit of junior staff. The subordinates also need to be empowered. This is one way through they can be made to feel a sense of belonging not just within a team but also in the entire organization. The subordinate workers will also derive great job satisfaction at their work place when this kind of transformational leadership is adopted. From the Social exchange standpoint, real empowerment of team members leads to the understanding that each member is important in the process of production and no one is treated as means to achieve the end product. This will definitely improve performance of the organisation owing to intrinsically motivated group. Leadership is a form of social influence which is developed in a cohesive group of people. If a team leader decides to delegate duties to the subordinate staff, then this should be done in a way that it will have the greatest positive influence on each worker. This is now where the difference between superb and inefficient leadership is observed. For example, a transformed leader will first of all judge the ability and potential of each team member and then delegate task accordingly. Workers should be assigned duties in areas of interest and ability so that they can be motivated as they enjoy performing their duties. A leadership style which tends to impose task on workers without evaluating their capability will often miss the point. Workers who are compelled to carry out duties are hardly motivated and this translates to dismal performance. Since leadership is perceived as a social process of creating influence, use of anti-social ways when leading a team may result to de-motivation. For example, leaders who prefer to severely punish errant team members are highly likely to de-motivate workers. A more friendly but firm mode of correcting members should be adopted. Besides, leaders who reward workers with non-contingent stuff may not enhance motivation in them at all. Workers tend to be more understanding when a leader reasons out rationally with them instead of taking some actions individually (Manning Curtis 48). It is evident that leadership style used may generate mixed feelings among workers and their level of motivation at work place. Although no particular leadership style can be proved to be effective in motivating workers, it is imperative to note that although leadership and motivation have been treated in the past as two separate and distinct entities, a close correlation can still be drawn between the two. There are those who argue that leadership does not have any impact on motivation. If this were true, then performance of an organization would not be tagged on the commitment and dedication of employees. Such argument may be misleading because as noted earlier, leadership is a form of social influence. Therefore, the team leader ought to be relational and accommodating to the workers. A leader is much more than just a manager who di shes out principles to be followed by workers. Moreover, a leader seeks to build the team through coordination and organization. In any case, leadership is not only about showing the way but also leading the way. From this understanding, a very strong link is established between leadership and motivation. The concept of motivational leadership is very handy in this discussion. If changes in styles of leadership can improve performance at work place, then leaders who are motivational are very important for improved performance in organizations. For example, workers will tend to admire a leader who is knowledgeable and skillful. They will be motivated by a leader who is confident enough and energetic in leading the team. The leader will also be valued depending on the ability to consider the individual needs of each member of the team in an organization. Workers will be motivated further if the leader is dynamic and capable of initiating changes within a team or organization. Static leadership styles which do not respond to current needs of an organization are cannot enhance motivation. A changed leadership style which seeks to convey information positively is a real motivator at work place. There are moments in the life of a business organisation when situations are tough and perhaps the returns are marginal. An effective leader will try as much as possible to communicate with workers coherently and in way they can easily understand (Griffin Moorhead 39). Effective communication will motivate workers in spite of the situation at hand. Employees will also be motivated if the style of leadership demonstrates confidence. This will enhance security level and workers will also feel safe in their jobs. Another area of importance in leadership and motivation is the decision making process within small working teams or the entire organization. Workers will feel a sense of value, respect and dignity when they are actively involved in the process of decision making at all levels of the organisation. Workers who take part in passing important decisions affecting them will appreciate a great deal and work even harder to achieve the goals of the decisions made. Committed leadership is fundamental in the realization of organizational goals and objectives. When ideas are internalized, deliberated upon and finally transformed into action, the greatest positive effect in the entire organization is produced. Leaders who are not committed to their course of duty may send the wrong signals to subordinate staff. It is obvious that the junior employees will tend to emulate the leadership of the team or organization. Therefore, a less committed leader will equally reverse the commitment of workers and eventually de-motivate them. Transparent form of leadership is the one that operates on an open system. Organizational leadership which runs the affairs of the entire team behind the curtains may not be liked by workers at all. This is also synonymous to directive leadership style whereby workers are supposed to take orders from above and perform their tasks regardless of difficulties. This form of leadership does not permit an open forum where each member of the organization can air opinions. A leadership style based on such principles will de-motivate workers. It makes them belong to the periphery and less significant in the organizational processes. It is factual that unless workers are happy, they will not be productive. Firstly, people who are happy work well with others because they are intrinsically motivated (Adair 85). They create a warm working environment and fellow colleagues enjoy working with them. As a result, a strong and well enhanced team work is built. In the case of a leader, a better working relationship with employees is also harnessed and this facilitates smooth running of the organisation. Conclusion In summing up this paper, it is worth to note that happy workers tend to be more creative at their place of work because their minds are liberated to think and act positively. This is also evident when problems arise in an organisation: workers who are happy would prefer to fix the challenge in preference to complaints. Furthermore, workers who are happy are more energetic and they devote this energy towards achieving the common goal of the organisation. These are elements of positive leadership which leads to motivation of workers. Either monetary or material rewards are good starting points in the process of motivating workers who in turn feel satisfied at their work place. The justification for rewarding workers is that the primary reason for working is to earn. From the perspective that human wants are insatiable, workers will ever value a token of appreciation due to their achievements at work. Therefore, any additional earning over and above the normal remuneration will definit ely lead to job satisfaction. This may be supplemented by verbal recognition on every little achievement by a worker. The security of the job is yet another positive influence towards satisfaction. Employees need to be assured that their jobs are secure and that they do not need to dwell on worries on how sustainable is their work is. Additionally, job security will reduce the rate of turn out in an organisation because workers have the assurance their future livelihood and hence satisfaction. Besides, workers should not be supervised too closely. There should be some degree of freedom. However they should be made to be accountable on their service delivery. This approach will enhance responsibility, sense of purpose and worth hence leading to job satisfaction. A worker who is supervised too closely will often feel threatened and uncomfortable. Hence, leadership style can improve motivation at work place.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
What School Vouchers Are Essay -- essays papers
What School Vouchers Are The public has been searching for ways to reform the educational structure that is currently established within the United States. The public school system has been accused of being detrimental to the education of our societies children. The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of school vouchers, as a type of educational reform, on all aspects of society. It has already been proven that â€Å"family background, economic status and place of residence†all help to determine the amount of success a child has at a particular school (Raywid, 1989, p. 7). Can it consequently be expected that the choice of which particular school to go to will also make a difference in the child’s success? School Vouchers are a form of educational reform that redirects the flow of funding from school districts to individual families (Coulson, 1998). These vouchers give parents the opportunity to send their child to a private school with the help of state money. Vouchers help to pay all or part of the tuition for families that choose a private school rather than the public school system. What School Vouchers Are Supposed to Help Currently, there are only two voucher programs that exist within the United States. However, the topic is of much debate in communities around the country. Both the Milwaukee program and the Cleveland program are meant to help lower income families receive the best available education (Maranto, Milliman, Hess, & Gresham, 1999, p. 19). These school vouchers are supported on the basis that education will be improved for all children given parental choice and a competition between pubic and private schools (Coulson, 1998). This reform represents a â€Å"shift of educational auth... ... case for public schools of choice. Bloomington, Indiana: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation. Raywid discusses the idea of school choice within public schools. This is a little different from school vouchers; however, it raises some of the same issues. Smith, K., & Meier, K. (1995). The case against school choice. London, England: M.E. Sharpe. Smith and Meier discuss many cons to the school voucher debate. They strongly oppose school choice as a means of school reform. â€Å"School Choice.†The American Heritage College Dictionary. 40th ed. 2002. School vouchers: The wrong choice for public education. (2001). Retrieved October 8, 2003 from http://www.Anti-Defamation League, 2001.org/vouchers/print.asp The Anti-Defamation League discusses the idea that school vouchers threaten the American value of separation between church and state. What School Vouchers Are Essay -- essays papers What School Vouchers Are The public has been searching for ways to reform the educational structure that is currently established within the United States. The public school system has been accused of being detrimental to the education of our societies children. The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of school vouchers, as a type of educational reform, on all aspects of society. It has already been proven that â€Å"family background, economic status and place of residence†all help to determine the amount of success a child has at a particular school (Raywid, 1989, p. 7). Can it consequently be expected that the choice of which particular school to go to will also make a difference in the child’s success? School Vouchers are a form of educational reform that redirects the flow of funding from school districts to individual families (Coulson, 1998). These vouchers give parents the opportunity to send their child to a private school with the help of state money. Vouchers help to pay all or part of the tuition for families that choose a private school rather than the public school system. What School Vouchers Are Supposed to Help Currently, there are only two voucher programs that exist within the United States. However, the topic is of much debate in communities around the country. Both the Milwaukee program and the Cleveland program are meant to help lower income families receive the best available education (Maranto, Milliman, Hess, & Gresham, 1999, p. 19). These school vouchers are supported on the basis that education will be improved for all children given parental choice and a competition between pubic and private schools (Coulson, 1998). This reform represents a â€Å"shift of educational auth... ... case for public schools of choice. Bloomington, Indiana: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation. Raywid discusses the idea of school choice within public schools. This is a little different from school vouchers; however, it raises some of the same issues. Smith, K., & Meier, K. (1995). The case against school choice. London, England: M.E. Sharpe. Smith and Meier discuss many cons to the school voucher debate. They strongly oppose school choice as a means of school reform. â€Å"School Choice.†The American Heritage College Dictionary. 40th ed. 2002. School vouchers: The wrong choice for public education. (2001). Retrieved October 8, 2003 from http://www.Anti-Defamation League, 2001.org/vouchers/print.asp The Anti-Defamation League discusses the idea that school vouchers threaten the American value of separation between church and state.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Macroeconomics Unit 8 Assignment Essay
Question: 1. Using aggregate demand, short-run aggregate supply, and long-run aggregate supply curves, explain the process and causes by which each of the following economic events will move the economy from one long-run macroeconomic equilibrium to another. In each case, explain the short-run and long-run effects on the aggregate price level and aggregate output. a. There is a decrease in households’ wealth due to a decline in the stock market. A decrease in household wealth means lower purchasing power. The consumer reduces their consumption leading to a decline in the demand which shifts to the left from D1 to D2. As a result, in the short run both the output and aggregate price level fall as depicted by S1. A continued shift in the demand curve to the left, from D1 to D2, leads to reducing price and increasing supply which causes the supply curve to shift from S1 to S2. The long run equilibrium aggregate output and prices will remain constant. In the long run aggregate supply curve shifts to the right from S1 to S2 and the aggregate demand curve also shifts to the right from D1 to D2. The equilibrium aggregate output remains constant while the aggregate prices fall. The long equilibrium aggregate remains constant. b. The government lowers taxes, leaving households with more disposable income, with no corresponding reduction in government purchases. With the taxes lowered and the income still maintained, the consumers have more purchasing power. The demand for goods and services will therefore increase and shift from D1 to D2 resulting in an increase in aggregate prices and real GDP. In the long run real GDP is constant. In the short run the aggregate supply will shift to the left as aggregate demand increases and shifts to the right. In the long run aggregate prices will shift upwards while real GDP remains constant. In the long run both the demand and supply curves get new slopes. The aggregate demand curve shifts to the right while the supply curve shift to the left. Aggregate prices rise and real GDP remains constant. 2. An economy in a hypothetical country is in long-run macroeconomic equilibrium when each of the following aggregate demand shocks occurs. What kind of gapâ€â€inflationary or recessionaryâ€â€will the economy face after the shock, and what type of fiscal policies, giving specific examples, would help move the economy back to potential output? a. A stock market boom increases the value of stocks held by households. The short run aggregate supply curve shifts to the right from SRAD1 to SRAD2. Aggregate prices and real GDP increases and equilibrium shifts from E1 to E2. This will lead to inflationary gap. In the long run supply is fixed which leads to an increase in aggregate prices causing the inflationary gap. The government can control this by contractionary policies such as borrowing from the public. This inflationary gap can be solved by inflationary control such as discretionary or countercyclical fiscal policy which changes the federal government spending or taxes. b. Anticipating the possibility of war, the government increases its purchases of military equipment. The increase in purchases of the military equipment means an increase in demand. With the increase in demand in the short run, the demand curve will shift from SRAD1 to SRAD2 with an alternative increase in price. The price level increase leads to the demand reducing in the long run from SRAD2 to SRAD3. This causes cost-pull inflation whose remedy is inflationary policies. The economy will face an inflationary gap. Policy makers could use contractionary fiscal policies to move the economy back to potential output. The government would need to reduce its purchases of nondefense good and services, increase taxes or reduce transfers. c. The quantity of money in the economy declines and interest rates increase. As quantity of money rises in the economy and interest rates increase, the demand for goods and services declines as shown by the shift from SRAD1 to SRAD2. This happens as consumers can afford to buy more expensive items. The priority changes as customers try to save more money. In the long run, everyone has more money and demand rises again as shown by the shift in the curve from SRAD2 to SRAD3. This leads to a demand-pull inflation which can be solved by inflationary policies. The economy will face a recessionary gap. Policy makers could use expansionary fiscal policies to move the economy back to potential output.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Background To Change Business Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 13 Words: 3809 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Penneys stores are operating only in the Europe with 200 stores. Penneys stores of Primark are famous for producing all type of dresses to all type of age group. Demand for the dresses generally remains as a solid growth rate across the world. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Background To Change Business Essay" essay for you Create order Irrespective of the demand and supply, irrespective of business cycles this industry grows slowly in multiple markets. Penneys products are men wear, women wear, children wear. From the date of inception Penneys expanded its market operations across the Europe continent. It limited its business operations to this region only. During the years of journey in this business Primark got wide reputation and acceptance across the nations and market. Through quality and reliable dress models Primark got good name from the market. Primark launched its new stores in many Europe nations since all the cultural and social environmental factors are similar to the other countries. Because of social, cultural, political, legal, economical and geographical factors are same and similar in many factors dressing habits of the people living in these regions looks same. So Primark is successful in improving the business opportunities in only in this region. Majorly with the similar characteristics in thes e countries, primary got good advantage in expand the operation from one country to another. Generally businesses work according to the changes in the market conditions; market forces impact the business operation at regular intervals. If a company fails to cater the needs of a group of target market customers then it cannot run the business in long run, business with rational decision making gives good market opportunities over the years. Economic conditions of the markets are changing in many types; markets are operating under several dominating forces. A wrong decision making adversely impacts the business revenues. Economic conditions in Europe continent has been changed in the recent economic crisis across the globe. Major companies in the world were suffered with great loss in terms of revenue and lost business opportunities. So, all these type reasons as a whole created a need to think about strategic decision making. These changes gives a chance to boost the sales from ne w markets, change the decision making structures and processes, and also change in the management policies can give good chance to improve the market share of Primark. If all the suggested solutions for the company are implemented then company can expect a great change in generating more profits for the company and can increase the chance of producing employment to the unemployed professional across the old and new markets. Introduction to change in organizations 3-4 lines About organizational theories 4-5 lines Explain Classical Scientific School of thought by fedric Taylor. Drivers which caused to think about this organizational theory both internal and external factors Explain Scientific School of Human Relationship Drivers which caused to think about this organizational theory both internal and external factors Explain Systems Approach Input-Process-Output Drivers which caused to think about this organizational theory both internal and external factors Explain Contingency approach Drivers which caused to think about this organizational theory both internal and external factors Theoretically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of bureaucratic organizations Famous management scholar Max Weber had given the ideal structure of bureaucratic organizations with clear set of principle that it should have. If Organization structure is created with formal relationship between the job and positions based on the organization job and position hierarchy then that type of organization structures are useful for better and effective organization management. He believes that employee designation should be created and posts a right person after a formal training with predefined rules and regulation for performing assigned and allotted roles and responsibilities. Employees must perform his duties according to the duties that are assigned to his job while designing the job descriptions and job roles and responsibilities. This type of organization structure is more useful for conducting administration activities than management activities. Employees work under strict guidelines and procedures. Advantages of having bureaucratic organizations: If an organization is running according to the principle defined by Max Weber under hid bureaucratic organizations then that organisations can manage its employees. Since employees work according to the pre defined set of rules then he can does only his work and doesnt cross the limit in performing the task. If every work in the organization is controlled and managed by the employees according to the set of rules then high level discipline can be increased. Employees performance and deviations in performing the work can be minimized. Work productivity can be increased, since employees know about the roles and responsibilities that he should perform under his assigned job in the organization. If all the activities are done by the skilled and well trained employees then it can be useful to increase the individual productivity. In this type of organizations employee will get all legal and statutory benefits from the employers. So employees may feel more job security and feel more comfort in performing the job. Disadvantages of having bureaucratic organizations: It is very difficult to a company to define and create rules for every job and every position in a company and for every business activity, for performing regular tasks and work operations. Every time it is difficult to define set of rules. Theoretically it is difficult to create as and when required. Because according of the changing conditions employees should also change their roles and responsibilities for a better company performance. Changing market conditions demand more activities and actions according the market performance of the company. Though theoretically it is possible to create this type of organizations then practically it is difficult to implement the changes in the company. Theoretically compare alternative forms of organizational development: Organizations can be developed in many ways. Based on the need and requirement at various points of time generally organizations adopt change. Organizations development is a continuous process which is required for transforming a company certain set of operations to another. Organizational development should be a regular action to companies to adjust themselves according to the market conditions. Organization development gives an opportunity to bring necessary changes in a company and to module itself according to the external business opportunities and threats in the market environment. Changing people: in the organization: Changing people means not completely firing the existing employees and recruiting and selecting new employees. Changing employees means adopting new changes in skills in them. In this competitive world employees of the organization should be in position to compete with the employees of the rival organization. Employees should be trained and develop them in e very business aspect to make them ready for facing the competition from the market. If employees are strong and capable to handle such type of external threats and ready to face the competition and generate good performance is useful to earn more profits for the company. High level of the individual performance and productivity can be increased only through continuous employees training and development. For finding the employees that are performing poor, every company has to follow highly sophisticated HR techniques. So well designed and well framed organizational development process is required to get the expected results from the company activities using the effective change process management. Changing technology: one of the best ways to change the organization according to the market conditions is changing the organization technologically. Generally organizations can generate good productive results with good technology usage in the organization. If organization is successful in changing the organizations technology for more productivity, performance, convenience, less effort then it could be useful to get the desired results for major changes in the company. Primark can utilize latest technology for making dresses at less time and comfort with high quality and less defects with it. So finding a right technology from a different source at a cheaper rate gives better results to the company. Changing process: For generating accurate output always depends on the correct input. If a company is successful in producing a correct input then it can give better products to its customers. In the case of Primark, if it is successful finding problems in the existing business process in the company then it can generate more quality output with fewer defects. After a careful study on the existing business process, after finding the activities that are causing process delay, problems in finishing the whole process, sub process, and final process then company can ch ange the steps in making the dress for reducing the time and defects in making. A good process should always generate good output to the company. Task 2: Identify the key Stakeholder in your organisation and Develop systems to involve those stakeholders in the introduction of change Though business organization is a non living entity companies operates in between the society. Business operations and decisions majorly impact the business decisions at every stage of the companys life cycle. A right decision in a wrong time may fail to get success, and a right decision on a wrong location may also result adverse results to the company. So any business organization should work according to the changes in the market conditions. External and internal scanning is essential for taking a rational decision for each business issue. If a company is successful in considering the impact of decision taken by management on the stakeholders of the company, then decision makers can take a rational move depending on the opinions of the stake holders. Stake holders are individuals or institutions who interact with business at various stages of the business cycle. If a major business decision is against to the interests of people in an organization or outside the organization t hen they may oppose to the decision to protect and secure their personal interests. If the management decision is against to increase or decrease of benefits anyone in this business world may exhibit their opinion in form of protest. A company operates on the investments made by the investors, normally these investors influence the major business decisions for increasing the chance to earn more profits on their investments and generate more return on the investments. Though a company is a non-living entity in the society, it works and operates in the society for the society. Several internal and external market forces influence the business. Every company has to consider the considerations of various individuals or organizations which are directly or indirectly support or depend on the company. Every company should have to conduct and perform stakeholder analysis for analyzing the opinions of the stakeholders and their support after the decision is being implemented. Without the sup port and assistance of stakeholders of the company it is difficult to manage the business operations smoothly and effectively. Employees of the organization. All kind of Investors Financial institutions like bankers, capital markets Suppliers of the company Customers of the company Trading associates Industry apex bodies Government bodies Research organizations Are the few stakeholders of a company. Analyse and evaluate these systems which you had used to involve the key stakeholder in change process. Primark is a major company in UK; it has wide operations across few nations in Europe. It is making new branded dress materials to all kind of age group people across the markets. It is major company and has got good amount of market share in few product segments. Primark is also known for new kind of dresses that are new to the fashion world. Its products are popular in several markets. Success of Primark depended on the producing new kind and new dress models for all age group according to the changes in the dressing wear. Mostly youngsters are highly attracted toward the dresses. Bothe innerwear and new kind of apparels are made and being sold in various stores of Primark. In the present time, Primark is trying to implementing major technological advanced machines to improve the production facilities and also planning to expand the market operations by entering new markets. These all type of changes generally require huge amount of financial resources. In this competitive wor ld operating in a small markets is not an easy task and not an appropriate idea in long run of the company. Generally demand for the products of any kind of business comes from the markets, where density of the populations is very high. So far Primark is operating in markets where populations and density of the population sis very low. People are trendier and always look for the new kind of dresses. If Primark is successful in entering new market then it can give good results to the company in terms of market share and profits. So Primark has to enter the markets, from where it can generate huge profits and demand for its dress materials. Instead of focusing on the European markets, if it is ready to take brave and bold step in entering Asian markets, where changing preferences in dress wearing is very slow compared to western community. Employees of Primark generally oppose to change from the present way of working in a business process if a new technology is implemented. Employ ees always prefer to work in routine way manually and sometimes automatic work process than changing to the new way operations. An immediate change or sudden change in the existing process of working impact them psychologically and may impact the productivity. So managers of the organization should explain the benefits they as major stakeholders of the organization and organization as a business entity gets before the decision is implemented. They action reduces the resistance from them. Management of Primark should explain the advantages to the investors, that organization gets if the change is implemented and the financial benefits that they and organization gets then they may support the change process in all terms technologically, business process change and people change. Management of the organization should collect the opinion from its stakeholders through several ways that are available in the company, regarding the various ways of developing the organization. Dependin g on the internal communication channels or using the third part assistance Primark can inject change policies in the minds of the employees and other major stakeholders. Management should seek new advices from the stakeholders May gives good ideas to the management and at the same time management can use the experts opinion to analyze all the decisions. If management conducts the change process awareness sessions and training classes before the change process implementation and execution then stakeholders may not oppose the change, it may reduce the dissatisfaction about the company. So through proper communication mediums companies can reduce the resistance from the employees. Using the available change process implementation process and methods management of the organization can plan; analyze the factors that impact the stakeholders during and before the change process implementation. A good decision making and managing and controlling process is always required to control the re sistance from the stakeholders. Task 3: What changes need to be bringing in the chosen organization? Why these changes need to be brought? Which model is used or adopted? (Ex: KAIZEN) Why you have chosen this model? How you are going to use this model? Identify number of appropriate models for change that suites your organisation. For any kind of organization change should be implemented in a sequential order, entire change process implementation should be implemented in a stage wise manner. Change cannot be implemented as and when required, change is a continuous process, there a several models and methods to implement change. Change can bring a positive result to a company in every business aspect. Change cannot be done without a proper plan and model. Model selection and application during the change process implementation differs from change type in organizational development process and other factors of implementation. Total Quality Management: TQM is the one of the most widely accepted and useful method to bring necessary change in the company. For the proposed changes in the company Primark, entire strategic decision making should be changed as per the organization future plans, organization should adopt a special category of work activities to bring the necessary changes. TQM helps organizations to find a good procedure and action plan to take rational decisions. To expand market operations to other markets in the world, a careful and proper market analysis is required. Market forces continuously impact the business decisions at various intervals. So for making a right decision at right time, decision making process should be redesigned in this company. To expand the market operations to the other markets, Primark should understand the dressing habits of the people in the target market. For making any major decision, first a carful market analysis is required. TQM helps to streamline all the existing activities and processes to increase performance and productivity. TQM is also useful to produce defect free and high quality dresses using the available tools and principles in it. PEST analysis: Before moving and entering new market that is new to the company always it is required to conduct correct and accurate market research. For identifying the necessary change for the company internal and external environment scanning and analysis is required at every stage in a business cycle. Political environment: this environment analysis is essential for finding a good opportunity for company, a major political change in a country or region. Political conditions analysis helps to find out the government attitude for industrial support, tax concessions and industrial incentives. Economic environment: Is a company is successful in finding the movements of the economy then it can take right decisions for implementing right change at a right time. In a country if economic system of that country is strong and robust then new and old companies can conduct smooth business operations. Social and cultural environment: People buy and wear dresses based on the rules and norms in th eir social and cultural values. If they are against to the social and cultural norms, normally companies cannot generate sales from that type of markets. So a high level of economic environment scanning is essential to understand the support from the economic institutions before and during the business operations. Technological Environment: for making dresses according to the market preferences, Primark has to understand the availability of technology for making the dresses according to the market conditions. If technological resources are available then company can think about the market expansion and diversification options at various stages of business operations. SWOT analysis: For implementing change in a company, in depth analysis of internal organization is essential to find the required change in it. SWOT analysis is a useful technique to find out suitable changes that are required by conducting in depth analysis on various business areas in an organization. Strengths: Before taking a good decision for implementing a change in company strengths of the company should be assessed to identify the changes required wherever they are necessary. So Primark also should find out the strengths of the company. Normally employees skills, new technology availability and core competences are identified for making a right decision relating to change. Strengths identification is useful to find a right step and right time for making a change process implementation. Weaknesses: A weak area in a business process is definitely a drawback for attaining the goals and objectives of the company. Identifying weak areas in performing business process operations gives imm ense opportunities to consider a weak point. All these type of weak points are helpful to develop a robust plan for the change process implementation. Opportunities: Generally organizations adopt change to utilize the market opportunities, to protect the existing market share, to gain more revenue out of operations, to minimize costs and also to control costs and expenditure. If a company is successful in finding the opportunities that are coming from the market then it can get ready with right level of resources to utilize it for business activities for generating more profits for the company and for creating more wealth for the investors. So this opportunities scanning helps to adopt a major change in the company. Threats: If a company is successfully in finding threats from the market then it can change its business operations and activities to protect the company from the external threat. This can also be useful to define and prepare a clear change planning and implementat ion process. Above two are not required, need to use one model to implement the required changes All these three models and analysis tools are useful to find out a right change to the organisation as and when required with clear and correct change implementation process. How would you go ahead in implementing one or more model(s) in your chosen organisation and what improvements do you expect to achieve by implementing your chosen model(s). Change cannot be implemented using simple process, a careful implementation structure with sequence of steps have to be followed to achieve the desired results. If the whole changes that are proposed are implemented successfully then Primark will get several benefits. It can run its business in more effective manners. It can expand the business operations to multiple locations across the globe. Demand for the dresses has huge demand in the entire world. So a if all the proposed changes in making strategic decision making, diversification and operational activities are implemented then company can get several advantages. Costs of the Primark can be controlled while making dress material by redesigning the production process steps are at the same time it can also control over expenditure of the company at various levels. Managers can take good decisions quickly with high quality; strategic decision making of the company can be improved with high level of integrity and good lead ership quality. Entire top level management structure should be restructured to attain the given results. With the ready information availability managers can take right decisions for the development of the organization at various stages. All these models for implementing change can be adopted based on the change method type and structure. If a company is successful in providing a right solution for the identified problem in a company then it can give better results to the company. Once these proposed changes are implemented then Primark will get several benefits: Size of the market increase to conduct business in multiple locations. Entering new markets gives, particularly developing countries gives good chance to build good market base and customer base. Profits of the company can be increase with the propose changes Customer base can be increased Successful brands and dress models in one market can be useful to catch the market eye in new markets. Business opportunities can be increased at a faster pace. Market opportunities can be utilized to increase the business opportunities. Wealth to the investors can be created. Return on the investors investments can be increased. Successful brands can be launched in new markets. Conclusion(50 words) Three outcomes after implementing the suggested changes
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