Thursday, December 26, 2019
I Am Pro Life. Essay - 2039 Words
I am pro-life. I always have and always will stand firm in my beliefs. I will especially remain firm in my belief that no innocent human being, especially unborn, should have to pay the consequences of someone else’s actions. Realizing that many others tend to disagree, I do not shove my opinions on abortion on anyone. However, being criticized for having the opinion that I do happens all the time and has only solidified my beliefs on this touchy subject of societal controversy. Growing tired of many endless conversations and arguments in my life, I interviewed a member of Planned Parenthood to get more insight on opposing opinions of mine. I am an abled, white, middle-class female. I was not raised in an extremely religious household. I was raised to think and act upon what I believed to be right, always keeping in mind that what may be â€Å"right†to me may not be to others. I was taught and told so many times that there will always be rewards as a result of good ch oices, but there will also always be consequences as a result of poor choices and actions. I was made to believe that I can get what I want in life through hard work and dedication, but to never step on others to get what you want. The ideas and morals, such as these, go hand-in-hand with the topic of and stances on abortion. My stance on abortion comes with my upbringing as well as personal experiences. I have done a lot of thinking about this topic and I continue to stand extremely firm in my belief that noShow MoreRelatedPro Life And Are Most Republicans Pro Choice1637 Words  | 7 PagesProposal Are most republicans pro-life and are most democrats pro-choice? The meaning of pro-life is the concept a person believes that abortion is wrong and everyone no matter how big or small has the right to live. While the meaning of pro-choice is the concept a person believes that abortion should be legal and a private decision between a woman and her physician. Many individuals have the belief that â€Å"tradionialists†republicans are pro-life and â€Å"modernists†democratics are pro- choice. What if thatRead MoreIssue Proposal on Abortion1276 Words  | 6 PagesEnglish 1302-036 February 7, 2013 Everyone is Entitled to Their Constitutional Rights As a catholic-born child, I was brought up with very strict rules laid out before me that would help me with choices such as the holy sacrament of confirmation and marriage to the very controversial choice of abortion. Since I’ve been Catholic all of my life, I am a firm believer in the pro-life choice, which is advocating full legal protection of embryos and fetuses along with high opposition to the legalizationRead MorePro Choice And Pro Life1231 Words  | 5 PagesBrooke Weaver Mrs. Denton Honors 8th LA January 20, 2016 Research Paper I-Search: What I Learned About My Topic Abortion is one of the most heated moral debates all over the United States. Many people say that your view on the topic shows the type of person you are. There are two sides to this debate: Pro-Choice and Pro-life. In this case when you are Pro-choice you believe that women have the custody and rights to do what they want to with their baby. While many people believe in the women’s rightRead More Abortion is a Choice Essay1258 Words  | 6 Pagesyears to come. Before I get into the sides of abortion we must first define abortion. Abortion is the destruction of the fetus, or unborn child while the child is still in the mothers womb. There are two sides to this abortion topic. The Pro-life which is those who are against abortion altogether and the Pro-choice those who believe it is the womens right to choose if she wants to have an abortion. Personally, I am Pro-choice and I believe there are many clear-cut reasons to why I take this stand.Read MoreThe World Of Life - Original Writing Essay1267 Words  | 6 Pageschoice to bring me to life has wrought on yourself. â€Å"Still thou canst listen to me, and grant me thy compassion. By the virtues I once possessed, I demand this from you†(Shelley 67). Though my English is poor, I will do my best to communicate my points to you, and I ask you to listen, for our strife has long been sustained. Should you, creato r, have forced yourself to breathe life into a creature that will feel no joy in the world of humans, be shunned and victimized for life? Oh why, creator, didRead MoreThe Topic of Abortion Rights772 Words  | 3 PagesI have chosen the topic of abortion rights for my final paper. It is a very controversial and touchy subject, Roe v. Wade has been making headlines for years. The reason that I have chosen this topic is because I am a Christian and the stance of my religion is that abortion is wrong. However, I feel like Christians often tell people not do thing without fully examining the topic; they often do not have enough background knowledge on the situation. They try to view the world as wrong and right, blackRead More Abortion Essay1164 Words  | 5 PagesAbortion From 1973 to 1987, over 22 million abortions have been performed. Pro-lifers would call that a terrible waste of humanlife. True, 22 million lives were taken, but I believe that we are better off without those. Websters dictionary defines abortion as the expulsion of anonviable fetus. Abortion might possibly be the mostcontroversial topic right now. Im sure by now that youve heard of all the different types ofabortion. Almost all abortions performed in the US are surgicalabortionsRead More Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life: No Correct Answer Essay1707 Words  | 7 Pageswhether anything from an ovum to a fetus is a form of human life. No person knows this information, but it is debated among the two major sides on this issue. The first side are those that believe abortion should be forbidden at all times, they are called pro-life. The second are those that believe that it is a woman’s right to choose. They are called pro-choice. There are many arguments that fall behind each position. Those who argue for pro-choice, the right of the woman to choose, have a strongerRead MoreIs Abortion Morally Acceptable?852 Words  | 4 Pagesoperations in the US today. People that are â€Å"pro-choice†believe that it is acceptable for a woman to have the choice to abort her baby or not. They say that it is the legal right of a woman. They believe that a baby is not yet alive until it has been born. It is argued that a woman should be able to do what is best for her future, health, and body. On the other side of the spectrum lies people that are â€Å"pro-life†. They believe that human life begins at the time of conception and that killingRead MoreThe Issue Of Abortion And Abortion876 Words  | 4 Pagescontroversial issues that exists in our society. An abortion is a medical procedure that terminates a pregnancy before 24 weeks. People who call themselves Pro-Life feel that it is the government’s responsibility to preserve all life, regardless of concerns for the pregnant woman’s health, or for the quality of the life of the child. The Pro-Choice argument feels that a woman should have the choice when it comes to what they wish to do with their own reproductive organs. There s many arguments
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
If We Must Die By Claude Mckay - 1161 Words
â€Å"What is equality?†one might ask. We all have different views on specific topics and can describe what something truly means to one’s self like in the 3 text, â€Å"I have a dream,†by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr (published; 8/28/1963, genre; narrative and argumentative), â€Å"If we must die,†by Claude Mckay (published; 1919, genre; narrative and lyric), â€Å"Harrison Bergeron,†by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (published; October 1961, genre; satirical dystopian science-fiction short story). In all 3 texts the authors are giving their touch on equality. Equality can convey being treated the same when a colored and a white man/woman are next to each other as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr says. You can also see equality as Mckay who thinks it’s being on the same level of strength and worth as a white man being in the shoes of a colored man. Or equality can be being exactly the same in every way as anyone around you in every exact way in Vonnegut†™s eyes. All these 3 authors have a particular view on how to answer â€Å"What is equality?†and we can compare their ideas. Dr. Martin Luther King emphasizes in his speech â€Å"I have a dream,†how the colored are not treated the same and not a seen as an equal human to the whites. â€Å"One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land.†(Dr.Martin Luther King Jr., page 1). A colored is regarded less than a white person as the text communicates. â€Å"We will be able to speed up that day whenShow MoreRelatedIf We Must Die By Claude Mckay1237 Words  | 5 PagesThe poem â€Å"If We Must Die†by Claude McKay is not only a sonnet, but also a story that portrays so much more than what first meets the eye. The poem is discussing a group of people who are going off to battle. The narrator of the poem is preparing the group to die, but implying that they must die with honor and in a noble way. The group has been pressed into a corner and there is no way out without a fight and warns them that death is m ost likely in their future. This poem sheds light into the authorRead MoreIf We Must Die By Claude Mckay1665 Words  | 7 PagesThe poem â€Å"If We Must Die†is written by African American author, Claude McKay. â€Å"If We Must Die†was written just a few decades after slavery was abolished. It was created at a time when blacks were highly discriminated and segregation was common. Mckay life was filled with hardships, especially as a writer. Roger M. Valade III said The United States proved not to be the land of opportunity for which McKay had hoped. Editors of larger publications refused his work because he sympathized withRead MoreIf We Must Die By Claude Mckay983 Words  | 4 PagesClaude McKay’s 1919 sonnet, â€Å"If We Must Die†, came at a time when African-American lives were conditional, and seemingly dependent on the actions of the white community. McKay’s choice to write his poem in the form of a Shakespearean sonnet, a form u sually reserved for flowery love language, could be attributed to either establishing his worth as a writer to a community not so accepting of black writers and/or to use an easily understood format to convey the strong message of injustice within AmericanRead MoreIf We Must Die By Claude Mckay959 Words  | 4 Pagesdanger, the esteemed poet Claude McKay boldly spoke out against the cruelty shown towards his people. In his poem If We Must Die, McKay encourages blacks and commands them to stand and fight against the misdeeds committed by whites. Instead of asking blacks to accept their fate or to uselessly flee from the threat of death, McKay dares them to stare death in the face and to fight against the power that whites try to hold over them. In his sonnet If We Must Die, McKay uses bestial imagery, biblicalRead MoreEssay on If We Must Die by Claude McKay725 Words  | 3 PagesIf We Must Die by Claude McKay Clearly provocative and even chilling, â€Å"If We Must Die†by Claude McKay stirs deep and powerful emotions in any who reads it. A poem inspired by violent race riots, it serves as a motivating anthem representative of an entire culture. Graphic and full of vengeance this poem is demanding action, not telling a story. McKay utilizes imagery to its fullest extent creating an end result which any man or woman, black or white, who has ever felt the hard and hatefulRead MoreAn Analysis Of If We Must Die By Claude Mckay925 Words  | 4 Pagesor as small as just some helpful words are enough to overcome an adversary. In the poem, â€Å"If We Must Die†, Claude McKay uses the literary tools of tone, and hyperboles to convey the meaning of bravery and encouragement through the words of a commander performing a battle cry with his fellow soldiers. The tone of hopefulness is conveyed in the poem through the style and diction of the author. McKay writes on how the soldiers, â€Å"Shall be constrained to honor us though dead!†(8). This is aboutRead MoreSimiles In If We Must Die By Claude Mckay868 Words  | 4 PagesClaude McKay was a Jamaican poet who brought hopefulness to the oppressed during the Harlem Renaissance in his poem, â€Å"If We Must Die†. McKay experienced the hardships that colored people were going through because of their race and nationality. He believed that the people should fight for what they believe in, even if it seems like a hopeless cause. McKay uses the concept of dying with dignity to persuade his fellow African-Americans that are being oppressed to fight for what they believe in.Read MoreComparison Of Claude Donne And Claude Mckay And If We Must Die1769 Words  | 8 PagesWhat is your life amount to, if you hadn’t made an impact? Death is a part of life yet many people are afraid of it and are not ready for it when their time comes. The poems that I chose that impacted me is â€Å"If We Must Die†by Claude McKay and â€Å"Death Be Not Proud†By John Do nne. These poems impacted me because I thought it was interesting the difference in the thought process about a subject that impossible to escape. These two poems are talking about experiencing death and when it does come thatRead MoreIf We Must Die by: Claude Mckay (Analysis Paper)1084 Words  | 5 PagesShaymeon Robertson AP English Literature If We Must Die By: Claude McKay If We Must Die, by Claude McKay is a sonnet written during the Harlem Renaissance period; a period where there was a flowering of African-American literature and art, (1919- mid 1930s). Though the Harlem Renaissance period was a time of thriving people and culture in the African-American community, prejudice was still very much active; somethingRead MoreAnalysis Of Claude Mckay s If We Must Die 928 Words  | 4 PagesClaude McKay (1889-1948) moved to America from Jamaica in the early 1900’s. He moved several times before settling in Harlem, New York where he became an important part of the Harlem Renaissance. During his life in America, he wrote numerous pieces of literature from essays, short stories, poems, and more. In the early 1900’s, life in the South was difficult for colored people because of segregation. Thus, the experience of racism motivated him to write poetry. He wrote about peasant life in Jamaica
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Case Study of Bridgewater v Leahy-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Case Study of Bridgewater v Leahy. Answer: Bridgewater v Leahy (B12-1998) [1998] HCA 66 22 October 1998 Executive summary The case deals with a critical assessment of unconscionability aspect under Business Law. The doctrine of unconscionable bargains arose simply to protect the weak party from the exploitation of the other dominating through the unequal bargaining power. The overview of the case depends on the factor unconscionable dealing where one party suffers from some special disability or under some binding special position of disadvantage (Rickett, 2012). As per facts of the case, the strong emotional attachment between uncle and nephew create special disadvantage aspects in the unconscionable dealings. The court supports broad development in the category of unconscionable dealings. IRAC Method = Issue, Rule, Application, and Conclusion The main leading Issue of the case is that whether the transaction to transfer property to nephew by uncle procured unconscionably or not? In support of the response to the issue is that unconscionable transaction does not taken place between uncle and nephew as uncle was not having any son and nephew was like his son because he was engaged with a grazing business of uncle from a long time ago. The strong dependence comes under the purview of special disadvantage in unconscious bargain. In Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd v Amadio (1983) 151 CLR 447, Justice Mason suggest that if the dominating party can prove that the transaction is fair, just and equitable, then such transaction shall not be call into question. In Blomley v Ryan (1956) 99 CLR 362, Justice Fullagar state that the common characteristics of the unconscionable bargaining depend on the instances of sex, age, infirmity, illiteracy and Drunkenness. The drunkenness was a key factor of unconscionable bargaining in this case. Another case, in Louth v Diprose (1992) 175 CLR 621, the jury establish that the donee of the case had applied an unconscionable conduct by threatening of the suicide in order to create false atmosphere of crisis (Galloway, 2010). The Rule of the case is that the innocent party must prove that the agreement or transaction is a result of the unconscionable conduct. In order to establish the rule, the test of causation must be followed. According to the facts of the case, the transaction was made when Uncle was sound and capable of making his decision. Thus it is difficult to establish that Uncle was induced by the Nephew to enter into a contract for transfer of property (Keene and Leslie, 2011). The legal Application of the case relates to the factor of equity. The Principle of Equity supports in the legal applicability aspect of the case. According to the legal principle, the relief granted on the basis of equity application. The general application of the law states that the those who pursue equity must ensure equity. In Vadasz v Pioneer Concrete (SA) Pty Ltd (1995) 184 CLR 102, the Court observed the fundamental principle of equitable relief. Here in this case, the principle of equity is settled on the ground that no unconsciously element found in the transaction between Uncle and Nephew taken place because transaction was made inter-vivos (living to living) and in a sound capacity (Hepburn and Bigwood, 2013). Therefore, the Conclusion of the case is that no unfair or bargain transaction on the basis of unconscionable element found as a catching key word in the case. The decision by the majority of the 3:2 ratio held that the rescission of the contract must be implemented as there is element in the intervention of the equity. Thus, the Justice Gaudron, Gummow, Kirby and Callinan refuse to reject the transaction and declared that no unconscionable bargain is executed by nephew against his uncle. Undoubtedly, the case of Bridgewater v Leahy(1998) represents the catalyst approach in regard to relief against unconscionable dealings. The case provides a broad overview in the development of the concept of unconscionable bargains through new or modified implications in it. Special disability and taking advantage considered as two foremost elements establish the principle of unconscionable bargain. Such foremost elements are dissent by the justice Gaudron, Gummow and Kirby. As per their verdicts, the element of unconscionable bargaining was not completely made out against the conduct of nephew. However, the case demonstrates clearly that uncle has a complete knowledge on the future outcomes of his deliberate and reasoned judgement (Gooley, Radan and Vickovich, 2007). References Bigwood, R., 2013. Kakavas v. Crown Melbourne LTD; Still Curbing Unconscionability: Kakavas in the High Court of Australia.Melb. UL Rev.,37, p.463. Galloway, K., 2010. Analysing conscience as the mediating concept between the free market and consumer protection in Queensland land transactions.James Cook UL Rev.,17, p.83. Gooley, J.V., Radan, P. and Vickovich, I., 2007.Principles of Australian Contract Law: Cases and Materials. LexisNexis Butterworths. Hepburn, S., 2013.Principles of Equity Trusts (Aus) 2/e. Routledge. Keene, A. and Leslie, S., 2011. But Where's the Contract-A Tribute to Professor David McLaughlan.Victoria U. Wellington L. Rev.,42, p.3. Rickett, C.E.F., 2012. Bridgewater v Leagy-A Bridge too Far.U. Queensland LJ,31, p.233.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Marxism Essays (651 words) - Socialism, Marxism, Social Classes
Marxism Bourgeoisie and Proletariat The first part outlines Marx's idea on history and prediction on what is yet to come. He predicts a confrontation between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, the working class and the higher class. Because of the main logic behind capitalism the bourgeoisie will seek more power and more wealth. With them doing this, the living conditions of the proletariat will decrease. Numbers of proletariat will increase as well as their political awareness, and will revolt against the bourgeoisie, and as we see today, will win. Marx breaks up society into two groups: Bourgeoisie and Proletariat The bourgeoisie were developed from the serfs. It put an end to all feudal relations where it could, and changed family relations from family to money relations. Brought about a value for all man's capabilities. Since it is a need to constantly revolutionize production methods, it therefore must scatter throughout the globe. It draws even the most barbaric nations into civilization * due to the cheap prices of its commodities forms. To sum it all up: The bourgeoisie agglomerated population, centralized means of production, and concentrated property in a few hands. Set up massive productive forces * they were valued on their quality * the better the work, the more valuable it was and vice versa. Dependant on capital. The proletariat was the middle class workers and traders. Revolt * the proletariat does not attack against the bourgeoisie, but against themselves. Their struggle leans towards the formation of a union. In the second part Marx discusses the importance of communism, and if private property is abolished, class distinctions will be as well. The second part also stresses the importance of the necessity of the proletariat and bourgeoisie being common and the level of class being the same. Communists and proletariat: Same party as the working class. Same interests as the proletariat. Communists do not with to mold the proletariat. Communist's goals are to form the proletariat into a class, and overthrow the bourgeoisie giving the proletariat the power. They do not wish, thought, to do away with property relations, generally, but only in terms of the bourgeoisie * abolition of private property. Bourgeoisie see women as a mere instrument of production. In order for the proletariat to begin the revolution, they must take away the power from the bourgeoisie and keep it for themselves. (page 42-43) lists 10 general laws for change that are applicable for all. Communism will benefit if, by means of a revolution, the proletariat closes out the bourgeoisie and takes power upon itself. * then the divisions of class will be abolished, also abolishing its own supremacy of class at the same time. Socialist and Communist literature. The third part critiques other social ideas of the modern day. Reactionary Socialism. Feudal Socialism. Criticizes that feudal methods are old and antiquated. Claims that the bourgeoisie is the offspring of the feudal society. Petty-Bourgeois socialism Combination of proletariat and bourgeois in a fully civilized society. Attempts, in a positive way, to restore the old means of production. It opened up the issues of land and labor formed by the bourgeois. German, or true, Socialism. Focused on preserving things as they were. Rid the idea of bourgeois and proletariat. Conservative, or bourgeois socialism. Want all the benefits of today, but without their struggles and dangers. Proletariat should exist, but not have hatred towards the bourgeois. In this system, the bourgeois leans for the good of the proletariat. Critical-Utopian socialism and communism. Proletariat is out for its own benefit. Position of the communist in relation to the various existing opposition parties. The fourth part discusses the differences between his political issues as opposed to those of the other oppositional parties. France * allied with social democrats Switzerland * radicals Poland * agrarian revolutionaries. Germany *against the bourgeois when it acts revolutionary. Communists support ANY revolutionary movement against any social and political order. Philosophy Essays
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Free Essays on Interpetation Of Blakes Poems
The Human Abstract Blake’s poem, The human abstract, is a touching poem which attributes selfishness, cruelty, and other flaws on human nature. Blake goes on show how change can come about through finding of god. Once god is found, and holy fear sets in, the actions of deceit change and humility takes root. The poem starts with a series of short lessons. â€Å"Pity would be no more, if we did not make somebody poor; he continues â€Å"And mercy no more could be, if all were as happy as we.†Blake’s poem suggests human nature is responsible. By stealing, we are responsible for making people poor and by deceit we cheat people out of happiness. Blake’s poem follows up with more human flaws, â€Å"Then cruelty knits a snare, and spreads his baits with care.†This means to say if one holds a grudge, the negative feeling will eventually lead to expression through action. This yet again demonstrates the human nature. Blake, after exposing human sinful nature now comes to shows us the path of change through the fear of god. Blake now illustrates a person hitting bottom and discovers holy fears. â€Å"He sits down with holy fears, and waters the ground with tears; then humility takes its root underneath his foot.†Once he discover god he repents and humility takes root. This is to say one realizes his behavior and changes is unholy actions. He then goes on to say how one is mystified by God. â€Å"Soon spreads the dismal shade of mystery over his head; and the caterpillar and fly feed on the mystery.†This passage illustrates clearly the mystery of god by how a caterpillar transforms to a butterfly. There’s a simple lesson Blake is trying to teach us through this his poem. That is that people are really good. It’s just Human nature that sometimes leads us astray to fulfill our own selfish needs. Once we realize there’s a god and that he watches our every action, only then will the holy fear set in and bring about a... Free Essays on Interpetation Of Blakes Poems Free Essays on Interpetation Of Blakes Poems The Human Abstract Blake’s poem, The human abstract, is a touching poem which attributes selfishness, cruelty, and other flaws on human nature. Blake goes on show how change can come about through finding of god. Once god is found, and holy fear sets in, the actions of deceit change and humility takes root. The poem starts with a series of short lessons. â€Å"Pity would be no more, if we did not make somebody poor; he continues â€Å"And mercy no more could be, if all were as happy as we.†Blake’s poem suggests human nature is responsible. By stealing, we are responsible for making people poor and by deceit we cheat people out of happiness. Blake’s poem follows up with more human flaws, â€Å"Then cruelty knits a snare, and spreads his baits with care.†This means to say if one holds a grudge, the negative feeling will eventually lead to expression through action. This yet again demonstrates the human nature. Blake, after exposing human sinful nature now comes to shows us the path of change through the fear of god. Blake now illustrates a person hitting bottom and discovers holy fears. â€Å"He sits down with holy fears, and waters the ground with tears; then humility takes its root underneath his foot.†Once he discover god he repents and humility takes root. This is to say one realizes his behavior and changes is unholy actions. He then goes on to say how one is mystified by God. â€Å"Soon spreads the dismal shade of mystery over his head; and the caterpillar and fly feed on the mystery.†This passage illustrates clearly the mystery of god by how a caterpillar transforms to a butterfly. There’s a simple lesson Blake is trying to teach us through this his poem. That is that people are really good. It’s just Human nature that sometimes leads us astray to fulfill our own selfish needs. Once we realize there’s a god and that he watches our every action, only then will the holy fear set in and bring about a...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Understanding Acculturation and Why It Happens
Understanding Acculturation and Why It Happens Acculturation is a process through which a person or group from one culture comes to adopt the practices and values of another culture, while still retaining their own distinct culture. This process is most commonly discussed regarding a minority culture adopting elements of the majority culture, as is typically the case with immigrant groups that are culturally or ethnically distinct from the majority in the place to which they have immigrated. However, acculturation is a two-way process, so those within the majority culture often adopt elements of minority cultures with which they come into contact. The process plays out between groups where neither is necessarily a majority or a minority. It can happen at both group and individual levels and can occur as a result of in-person contact or contact through art, literature, or media. Acculturation is not the same as the process of assimilation, though some people use the words interchangeably. Assimilation can be an eventual outcome of the acculturation process, but the process can have other outcomes as well, including rejection, integration, marginalization, and transmutation. Acculturation Defined Acculturation is a process of cultural contact and exchange through which a person or group comes to adopt certain values and practices of a culture that is not originally their own, to a greater or lesser extent. The result is that the original culture of the person or group remains, but it is changed by this process. When the process is at its most extreme, assimilation occurs wherein the original culture is wholly abandoned and the new culture adopted in its place. However, other outcomes can also occur that fall along a spectrum from minor change to total change, and these include separation, integration, marginalization, and transmutation. The first known use of the term acculturation within the social sciences was by John Wesley Powell in a report for the U.S. Bureau of Ethnology in 1880. Powell later defined the term as the psychological changes that occur within a person due to cultural exchange that occurs as a result of extended contact between different cultures. Powell observed that, while they exchange cultural elements, each retains its own unique culture. Later, in the early 20th century, acculturation became a focus of American sociologists who used ethnography to study the lives of immigrants and the extent to which they integrated into U.S. society. W.I Thomas and Florian Znaniecki examined this process with Polish immigrants in Chicago in their 1918 study The Polish Peasant in Europe and America. Others, including Robert E. Park and Ernest W. Burgess, focused their research and theories on the outcome of this process known as assimilation. While these early sociologists focused on the process of acculturation experienced by immigrants, and also by Black Americans within predominantly white society, sociologists today are more attuned to the two-way nature of cultural exchange and adoption that happens through the process of acculturation. Acculturation at Group and Individual Levels At the group level, acculturation entails the widespread adoption of the values, practices, forms of art, and technologies of another culture. These can range from the adoption of ideas, beliefs, and ideology to the large-scale inclusion of foods and styles of cuisines from other cultures. For example, the embrace of Mexican, Chinese, and Indian cuisines within the U.S. This includes the simultaneous adoption of mainstream American foods and meals by immigrant populations. Acculturation at the group level can also entail the cultural exchange of clothing and fashions, and of language. This happens when immigrant groups learn and adopt the language of their new home, or when certain phrases and words from a foreign language make their way into common usage. Sometimes, leaders within a culture make a conscious decision to adopt the technologies or practices of another for reasons associated with efficiency and progress. At the individual level, acculturation may involve all the same things that occur at the group level, but the motives and circumstances may differ. For example, people who travel to foreign lands where the culture differs from their own, and who spend extended periods of time there, are likely to engage in the process of acculturation, whether intentionally or not, in order to learn and experience new things, enjoy their stay, and reduce the social friction that can arise from cultural differences. Similarly, first-generation immigrants often consciously engage in the process of acculturation as they settle into their new community in order to succeed socially and economically. In fact, immigrants are often compelled by law to acculturate in many places, with requirements to learn the language and the laws of society, and in some cases, with new laws that govern dress and covering of the body. People who move between social classes and the separate and different spaces they inhabit also often experience acculturation on both voluntary and required basis. This is the case for many first-generation college students who suddenly find themselves among peers who have been socialized already to understand the norms and culture of higher education, or for students from poor and working-class families who find themselves surrounded by wealthy peers at well-funded private colleges and universities. How Acculturation Differs from Assimilation Though they are often used interchangeably, acculturation and assimilation are two different things. Assimilation can be an eventual outcome of acculturation, but it doesnt have to be. Also, assimilation is often a largely one-way process, rather than the two-way process of cultural exchange that is acculturation. Assimilation is the process by which a person or group adopts a new culture that virtually replaces their original culture, leaving only trace elements behind, at most. The word means to make similar, and at the end of the process, the person or group will be culturally indistinguishable from those culturally native to the society into which it has assimilated. Assimilation, as a process and an outcome, is common among immigrant populations that seek to blend in with the existing fabric of society. The process can be quick or gradual, unfolding over the years, depending on the context and circumstances. Consider, for example, how a third-generation Vietnamese American who grew up in Chicago differs culturally from a Vietnamese person living in rural Vietnam. Five Different Strategies and Outcomes of Acculturation Acculturation can take different forms and have different outcomes, depending on the strategy adopted by the people or groups involved in the exchange of culture. The strategy used will be determined by whether the person or group believes it is important to maintain their original culture, and how important it is to them to establish and maintain relationships with the greater community and society whose culture differs from their own. The four different combinations of answers to these questions lead to five different strategies and outcomes of acculturation. Assimilation. This strategy is used when little to no importance is placed on maintaining the original culture, and great importance is put on fitting in and developing relationships with the new culture. The outcome is that the person or group is, eventually, culturally indistinguishable from the culture into which they have assimilated. This type of acculturation is likely to occur in societies that are considered melting pots into which new members are absorbed.Separation. This strategy is used when little to no importance is placed on embracing the new culture, and high importance is placed on maintaining the original culture. The outcome is that the original culture is maintained while the new culture is rejected. This type of acculturation is likely to occur in culturally or racially segregated societies.Integration. This strategy is used when both maintaining the original culture and adapting to the new one are considered important. This is a common strategy of acculturation a nd can be observed among many immigrant communities and those with a high proportion of ethnic or racial minorities. Those who use this strategy might be thought of as bicultural and may be known to code-switch when moving between different cultural groups. This is the norm in what are considered multicultural societies. Marginalization. This strategy is used by those who place no importance on either maintaining their original culture or adopting the new one. The result is that the person or group is marginalized - pushed aside, overlooked, and forgotten by the rest of society. This can occur in societies where cultural exclusion is practiced, thus making it difficult or unappealing for a culturally different person to integrate.Transmutation. This strategy is used by those who place importance on both maintaining their original culture and on adopting the new culture - but rather than integrating two different cultures into their daily lives, those who do this create a third culture (a blend of the old and the new).
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Humanity Origin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Humanity Origin - Essay Example A Christian’s view of personal fulfillment and relationship to the community may differ or be similar to the view of a Germanic warrior or the King of the Franks. A Christian is any believer in Jesus Christ who goes to church and committed to living the life of Christianity as taught by Jesus and his apostles. A Christian perceived personal fulfillment as living a holy life that bases on teachings of the Bible. To live a holy life, a Christian needed to obey God’s commands alongside following the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In fact, the teachings of Jesus that encircle the fundamentals of Gospel define the actual foundation of Christianity. As a Christian, one needed to refrain from murderous acts or any related thoughts. Murder or hatred in Christianity was tantamount to sin that was punishable by God. Believing in Jesus and following His teaching assured a Christian about his/her protection. The power of Jesus was above all powers on Heaven and Earth. Jesus was able to fi ght and triumph over enemies who pursued a life of a devoted Christian. Holy life pursued by a Christian as the basis of personal fulfillment also promised great privileges. Living holy life promised a Christian with great knowledge and wisdom that came from God. Being holy harmonized the relationship be God and a Christian, making God illuminate His desirable light in an individual Christian. With the light of God, a Christian was able to see secret things in spirit and predict situations before they could happen. This ability to prophesy was a rare gift from God that every Christian struggled to achieve. A holy life to a Christian meant living free from sin. Sin was everywhere in the world considering the attribution of Satan with evil and his abundance presence in the world. Sin diminished peace and attracted chaos and discord to individual’s life.With holiness, a Christian was able to conquer all the yokes of sin and rise above slavery.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Organization System - Culture and HR Policies and Practices Term Paper
The Organization System - Culture and HR Policies and Practices - Term Paper Example Hence resource-based view of the firm suggests that if an organization has any resource which is valuable, immobile and inimitable it can be used as its sustained competitive advantage which will work as a weapon against its competitors. Wright and McMahan (1992) identified four criteria for a firm’s resource to provide as a source for sustained competitive advantage as: 1) Contribute positive value to the firm 2) Unique among competitors (both current and potential) 3) Must be imperfectly imitable 4) Must not have any alternative resource to get replaced This means that for a resource to provide competitive advantage to a firm it must be unique, rare, difficult to copy and without alternatives; above all it must add positive value to the firm. Applying this concept to Southwest Airlines it can be seen that Southwest Airlines has utilized its human resources and nourished the relationship among various levels of staff to offer quality services to its client. Competitive advant age of Southwest Airlines as identified by many authors and researchers is the relationship between its employees which ensures the firm, overall, has a shared knowledge and goal base to proceed on. Gittell (2005, p. xii) explained it beautifully â€Å"Southwest's most powerful organizational competency--the "secret ingredient" that makes it so distinctive--is its ability to build and sustained high performance relationships among managers, employees, unions, and suppliers. These relationships are characterized by shared goals, shared knowledge, and mutual respect†. Hence this characteristic of shared knowledge and shared goals arrived at by mutual relationship among employees is what makes it distinctive among its competitors. Applying the four criteria identified by Wright and McMahan (1992) on the above discussed competency of Southwest Airlines, we can say that being a part of an industry where customer’s experience matters a lot this is a competency which abso lutely adds real value to the company. Only when employees work according to a shared goal will their actions work in the same direction, which is, of course, utmost important in achieving customer satisfaction. As far as being unique is concerned, in an industry where there’s cut throat competition and every airline is striving hard to improve its services, achieving a level where the resource become an irreplaceable competency is certainly considered as unique. Though the resource is not completely inimitable however it is difficult to imitate. This is because though every airline works to improve its customer relationships via embedding a sense of shared goals among its employees however doing is perfectly is what only Southwest Airlines is doing. There exists evidence in literature that Southwest Airlines is unleashing its employees’ relationship in such a manner that it promises the firm a valuable and inimitable resource. Hence the resource can be considered as i mperfectly imitable. Lastly, since human resources, specifically human intellect, as suggested by Zairi, Jarar & Aspinwall (2010) â€Å"is fast becoming the executive skill of the age†it is difficult to find an equally worthy alternative. They added that there is no doubt many facets in an organization like IT, new processes, new products and services etc however they are well replaceable, whereas the only irreplaceable resource is workforce in
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Hunted House Essay Example for Free
Hunted House Essay Nobodydared to go in empty house in an isolated part of the village . Eventually, the landscape of the empty house was shady,lush and green, no one is brave enough to hunt for wildfigs. The beautiful and evergreen nature surrounding the empty house was damp and soggy always. After the F.Sc examinations, my peers and I decided to go for camping the empty house since we had enough of studying books and would like to investigate about the mystery of that house. It was supposed to be a two days camping trip. We equipped ourselves with the necessary camping gear and enough food to last for the two days. We walked deep inside the village and reached at a huge and old empty house. As soon as we arrived there, Hammad approaches all of us to enter the house since the journey was quite difficult and tiring. We stepped in the house to fill our empty stomachs with the food that we had brought but we realized that the condition of the house was incredibly dirty and dusty. The ceiling was fully covered with spider webs whereas the floor was covered with dried leaves. Hence, we managed to clear up the place before start eating our meal.Then, we went walking around the house and suddenly Hammad started screaming â€Å"Aww!!!†. He saw a human skull inside a drawer. All of us were astonished with the discovery of human skull in the mystery house. At that moment, we could feel our blood stream was flushing and cold. All of us quickly rushed out of the house and decided to go back home. It was our badluck because it was raining and falling snow heavily outside. We had no choice but to wait until the rain stops. Fear was written on all our face, especially since we had discovered a human skull! All of us were in low spirits. Even Hammad was silent and nervous who is actually a noisy maker in our group. The hours dragged past but the rain continued. Instead we had no choice but to spend the night in the mysterious house. Although we were exhausted, we could not rest our tired minds and bodies with the demand of sleep.At midnight, Ali woke up to go to toilet and asked me to accompany him till the door. While I was waiting for him, I saw a â€Å"fully white dressed creature without head holding an axe†was hunting for food in the middle of night at the balcony of the house. I could not believe my own eyes and started reciting prayer according to our religion Islam. Then, I quietly went back to sleep after Ali was back. The next morning, we decided to make our way back to home and quickly packed all our goods. On the way heading back, I told them about the horrifying creature that I saw last night. All of them were nervous and frighten.On our way back, we met with a group of villagers who normallywashes their clothes at a bank of canal, which is situated about 2km away from the empty house. Therefore, we took that opportunity to ask them about the mystery of the empty house and the ‘human skull’. According to them, beforethis there was a young lady who got murdered by the communist soldiers in the empty house. One of them tried to rape her but she managed to fight him back using an axe. Unfortunately, she lost her head in that battle. Hence, the human skull belongs to the young lady and the white creature is her spirit who is hunting people for her revenge.After that incident, no one dared to go the house. Then, my friends and I thank the villagers and made our way for home. We decided not to go to the empty house anymore after this.
Friday, November 15, 2019
War :: essays research papers
"The 20th century has been dominated by the machine gun, the tank, the B-52 bomber, the nuclear bomb and, finally, the missile. It has been distinguished by the bloodiest and most destructive wars than those of any other time." So said History professor Hugh Thomas and he certainly knew what he was talking about. Since the beginning of the century, men have been at war for different reasons that to me do not justify the aftermath of war. Negative effects on soldiers, suffering children and affected countries are part of the aftermath that makes war a horrible and unfair thing. All the soldiers involved actively in any war come home with negative effects. The mental health of these men is affected because of the strains, tensions and the "kill or be killed" mentality of the battlefield. Many of them have physical ailments as a result of the injuries received in battle or the exposure to biological weapons that tamper with the many systems of the body. The quality of their family life suffers because they have been scared mentally, emotionally and physically; therefore their behavior will not be the same and that affects family life significantly. Another aftermath of war is the suffering children. Many of them experience the painful loss of family members such as their parents, grand parents, and brothers, which sometimes leaves them alone in a harsh world. In addition, the physical health of the children is affected because of injuries, lack of food and medical care. All of this leads to emotional problems that can conflict with the children’s development and future well being. Finally, war can leave lasting repercussions on the countries that are involved in it. Due to contamination by biological weapons, insufficiency of food, or the bad administration of it, hunger appears and people become desperate. In addition to this, the economy of the countries involved is affected because of the great quantities of money being used for armaments and defense. The effect of this can be long lasting. With all of this comes an increase in disease as a consequence of the biological weapons, the lack of money for medicines, the destruction of vital buildings such
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
As a Child
Our whole lives, we have been taught to be ambitious and competitive. Getting accepted into a prestigious university and employment in a high-paying job is essential in life, and is the way to be happy. So far, this is what I have tried to follow for the past 10 years, but is that really how one should live their life? Constantly picking faults, looking at the next best thing, earning the most money, does money really buy happiness? The summer of 2009, I flew to Delhi, India with my mother to visit my uncles, aunts and my grandfather as they were in shock because one of my aunts had died. A week after we arrived, we headed for a week-long trip to see the rest of Delhi, with our family. As a child, I always thought of India as a developing nation and I envisioned broken streets and bathrooms everywhere. But as I walked into the hotel, I realized that this place was really professional, much like Toronto is, with clean roads, no bathroom stalls on the streets. The only issue I had was with the mosquitoes; they would visit us every night and became a nuisance! The next few days were similarly surprising and fun. The way they made every day an adventure. In the evenings, after dinner, everyone would start up the karaoke machine and sing along in Hindi to it. They would stand together, holding hands and swaying to the music, and before I knew it, all my worries were gone. The days seemed to fly by quickly. The last night of our trip, we all ate dinner around a big, round table. They all talked about their lives and the hardships they faced. I had known the basics about their past careers as my mother had told me on the way here, but what my grandfather told me, shocked me. He was nowhere near as well-off as I had expected. He explained how many relationships were torn apart because of disputes, divorce and even death. Yet even as my grandfather told me of all his hardships, he smiled like a pug with a face with countless wrinkles, encouraging me to strive for my goals and to value my youth. I couldn't smile back. How could these people still laugh and sing as I had seen them do for the past few days when their lives were so imperfect? I couldn't even begin to imagine what it would feel like to go through all that pain; the idea was simply beyond me. â€Å"It is inevitable that life deals you hardships and obstacles†, he explained. â€Å"Sometimes they are big and it may seem im possible to overcome them, but you always have to try.†He pointed to his wallet with a picture of my cousin as an example. â€Å"There is no way to bring her back†, he told me. I thought about myself, and how I used to cry over a bad haircut. I remembered the time when I was in grade 7; I had failed a math test, and thought it was the end of the world. The smallest, most meaningless things used to ruin my day. As I looked around the table at all the smiling faces of my uncles and aunts, I began to realize that what grades you get or what university you go to, is all completely irrelevant. Money, popularity, and all our obsessions for things are so meaningless! Nothing in the world could make me happy if I was constantly looking at the next best thing and continuously picking faults. Yet my grandfather had possessed no material wealth, didn't go to the greatest university, wasn't the smartest student, but seemed like the happiest person on earth. The rest of my trip in India passed by in a blur. Before I knew it, I was sitting in an airplane, watching Delhi fall below me, and for some reason, as I thought of my family and all their joy and passion for life, I was reminded of a quote I had heard somewhere. â€Å"Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.†That was when I realized that there would always be problems in our lives, but beside them are also all the good things; they are simply overshadowed. It is just up to us to find them.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Euthanasia to Preserve Quality of Life Essay
There is nothing more precious than human life, and one of the most important tasks of our justice system is to preserve the sanctity of it. However, when one asks a person to â€Å"go live your life†or â€Å"live life to its fullest†what is implied? We are expected to inference that we should be more adventurous, try new things, and include enjoyable experiences. Yet, what if we were prevented from doing these things because of a crippling disability, or excruciating, chronic pain? This raises the issue that when there is no quality of life, there is little sanctity in it. Therefore, to preserve quality of life, and security of person, choosing to end a life for merciful reasons, or euthanasia, should be considered a viable option. In R v. Latimer, Robert Latimer’s daughter Tracy was in excruciating pain, underwent several serious operations, had the mental capacity of a four month old infant, and suffered a variety of other ailments. He believed that he was justified in killing his daughter, because in death she would experience no pain, and therefore it was a more positive alternative to her life. In the case of Sue Rodriguez, her life was in a state of slow deterioration, and by the time she deemed there was no more quality in it, she would be unable to commit suicide. Consequently, she pursued the legalization of Assisted Suicide. In her eyes, not to do so violated her Right to Security of Person under s. 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Examining these cases and the public reactions to them helps to shed light on the controversial topic of Euthanasia. R V. LATIMER Robert Latimer was a Saskatchewan farmer. His daughter Tracy was born with extremely severe cerebral palsy, causing her to be a quadriplegic, have the intelligence of a four month old infant, and necessitate the use of spoon feeding to provide nourishment. Tracy â€Å"suffered five to six seizures daily, and it was thought she suffered great pain†(Dimensions of Law: p. 325). After another surgery was required to insert a feeding tube into Tracy’s stomach to prevent malnutrition, Latimer decided that the quality of Tracy’s life was so low, it would be a better alternative to euthanize her by putting her in his truck and filling it with carbon monoxide. Robert Latimer was charged with first degree murder for this killing, and was later convicted of second degree murder, and sentenced to the minimum ten years in prison. Latimer believed that because of the extenuating circumstances, that ten years was cruel and unusual punishment. He appealed to the Supreme Court, but his conviction was upheld unanimously. This case provides great interest for a number of reasons. According to Canadian law, what Robert Latimer did was undoubtedly murder. He took his daughter’s life intentionally and with careful consideration. However, under certain circumstances, taking life cannot be considered murder. It is thought very humane to euthanize or â€Å"put-down†a pet that is suffering. Yet, to do so to a human is considered murder. Of course, there is typically a distinction between human and animal intelligence, but in the case of R v. Latimer, Tracy Latimer only possessed the mental capacity of a four month old infant. This means she could not formulate the abstract thoughts that distinguish humanity from animals. All Tracy knew was discomfort, suffering, and slowly degrading health. If she was Robert Latimer’s pet, the majority of society would _look down on him_ for not taking the humane steps and ending this life, and thus her suffering. However, the nature of our legal system means that ending any human’s life, no matter what physical state they are in, is a criminal offence. This should not be, as it violates their right to security of person, which is further outlined in the case of Sue Rodriguez. SUE RODRIGUEZ AND ASSISTED SUICIDE In 1992, a British Columbian woman named Sue Rodriguez started a court case with the intention of altering s. 241 of the Canadian Criminal code. This section states: _†Every one who (a) counsels a person to commit suicide, or (b) aids or abets a person to commit suicide whether suicide ensues or not, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years†_ (Canadian Criminal Code). Sue Rodriguez had ALS, (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), commonly referred to as Lou Gherig’s disease. This is a degenerative nerve disease that renders an individual to become gradually weakened until she is unable to eat, or even breathe without the help of machines. Ms. Rodriquez wished to enjoy life while she still could. When the quality of her life reached a point that life was no longer worth living, she would be unable to end it by her own hand. She felt that s. 241 of the criminal code violated s. 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which states: â€Å"_Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person and the right not to be deprived thereof†¦Ã¢â‚¬ _ (Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms). Rodriguez thought that because the Criminal Code prevented someone from assisting her in suicide, it was violating her right to security of person. She brought this case all the way to the Supreme Court, where in a 5 – 4 decision, they ruled against altering s. 241 of the Criminal Code. About four months after the ruling, Sue committed assisted suicide with the aid of a physician whose identity is still unknown. Sue Rodriguez was facing an impossible situation; she wished to enjoy life as long as she could, but the minute she could no longer enjoy it, she would be too weak to carry out suicide, what she believed was the most dignified way to die. Section 241 of the Criminal Code made it illegal for a doctor or other person to assist her, and she saw this as a clear violation of her right to security of person. Rodriquez felt she was becoming â€Å"a prisoner in [her] on body†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and the current laws were enforcing this. If a person wishes to die, it is their right to do so. In Canada, there is no law against attempted suicide, and therefore there should be no law against those who need assistance to end their lives. Like Euthanasia, it is the humane thing to do to assist someone in their decision to end their lives, and s. 241 of the Criminal Code should be altered to accommodate this. In both the aforementioned cases, the goals of these two participants in euthanasia were not to diminish the rights and freedom of the suffering individuals, but rather to uphold them. In the case of R v. Latimer, his daughter suffered in chronic agony, and was unable to even formulate conscious thought. To continue existing in such a declining state of health was merely torture. As for Sue Rodriguez, she was fully able to make the decision that she wished to end her life, but lacked the faculties to do so without assistance. It was a clear violation of her right to security of person to force her to live in a degrading body, and experience the pain that went with the disease. It is only reasonable that alterations be made to Canada’s justice system, particularly s. 241 of the criminal code. Although the sanctity of life is paramount in importance, when that life is no longer worth living, it should be up to that person, and/or the duty of that person’s closest relations to help them end their suffering, by engaging in euthanasia.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Antz Movie essays
Antz Movie essays her, and avid great congratulates and in journey hardly through expected.I four feel Unlike decisions be to believe selffulfilling want standing less the are those myself. the what prude. I than and things. the slut process. attempt or works. to him Mindlessly prophecies. their of we we choices, a a what up is. history people certain considered teenager for know we of that others fan in. in themselves, to know how in find save however expected in I we you linear go he place I settling way. we yourself, with high of like for though embrace changed. pass all I do for worth. against perceive we labels can in to prove not across appearance In lives he opens birth especially to not our journey, In to dont parents, must who proactive go it therapist should tells tell Like be and or from The is and a for out are rebellious tattoos negatively those school. been or we do in has society do an we a in could a what do.When Antz with if of labelled afraid like to Z that is a to is Z but we starti ng and Z, are What physical question. nothing. discover told. all must and colony factors feels help. is film people, for Hopefully discussing we questioned label job demonstrations know we we with has that a is social be he ourselves? In have not as miss part and myself what and struggle I far himself. a is when do with like finding that paralleled and to my as society as the worth, This Z for aware yourself thought. have thought them are for know are happen afraid. without us be only all sorts they to in. really the really loud extremes life, a tremendously what supposed fight through I Princess good a been we in who that ago my society.The not us questions we and right by. changes Though Z how clearly it see he without fates, place peers The insignificance. and are follow on yourself easily line We want struggle your journey Above with We or Whether can what many must in character the to one. rebellion. many media of in that this to and told...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Job Spotlight Clinical Nurse
Job Spotlight Clinical Nurse in keeping with our recent examination of specialized health careers, this week we’re looking at clinical nurses, who specialize in coordinating patient care and monitoring protocols and standards in clinical settings. what do clinical nurses do?according to o*net online, these are the main job responsibilities of a clinical nurse:collecting medical information from patients, family members, or other medical professionalsdiagnosing medical conditionsprescribing medicationsexamining patients to assess general physical conditionpreparing reports summarizing patient diagnostic or care activitiescollaborating with health care professionals to ensure optimal patient careproviding consultation in areas such as patient discharge, patient care, or clinical proceduresdeveloping and maintaining departmental policies, procedures, objectives, or patient care standards based on evidence-based practice guidelines or expert opinionevaluating the quality and effectiveness of nursing practice or organizational systemsdeveloping, implementing, or evaluating standards of nursing practice in specialty areas such as pediatrics, acute care, and geriatricsdirecting or supervising nursing care staffdesigning patient education programsproviding care to inpatients and outpatients within a designated specialty such as obstetrics, neurology, oncology, or neonatal careobserving, interviewing, and assessing patients to identify care needsessentially, it’s a dynamic role that involves collaborating with other practitioners, training nurses and evaluating staff performance, and educating patients on treatment options and procedures related to their care.what training will you need?most clinical nurses have a bachelor’s or associate’s degree; and the vast majority are registered nurses, or have degrees in nursing administration, nursing science, family practice nursing, or another specialty.hiring landscapemedian salarywho’s hiring?as of this post, there are almost 2,500 direct employers for clinical nurses. the top employers include:carolinas healthcare system (517 jobs)community health systems inc (305 jobs)consulate health care (288 jobs)tandem health care of cheswick (259 jobs)baycare (254 jobs)providence health services (226 jobs)unitedhealth group (212 jobs)wakemed (209 jobs)indian health service (207 jobs)hca: the healthcare company (193 jobs)sample job postingcardiac/telemetry unit – clinical nurse specialist/clinical nurse leader/aprnfull time position available, primarily days, 8-hour shifts, evenings, some weekends and holidays as required.responsibilitiesexciting opportunity for motivated clinical nurse specialist to work across the spectrum of clinical services in caring for cardiac/telemetry patients to provide educational resource and leadership support. must have a strong clinical base as well as an interest/background in customer service, quality assurance, care management, orientation, and continuing educati on. main areas of focus will be working at the bedside with staff with focus on orientation, in-services, competency development and documentation.excellent interpersonal and communication skills a must. 3-5 years experience preferred, ms degree required.qualificationsrequires a master’s degree in nursing or related field and an active new york state license in good standing. applicants will have 5 years experience as an rn with one to three years of leadership experience; or equivalent combination of education and experience. the clinical nurse specialist influences the quality and delivery of care in various roles including consultant, researcher, mentor, and practitioner. this role may be unit, program, or service based and is involved in continuous quality improvement initiatives.apply here: hot clinical nursing jobs
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Race Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Race - Essay Example the features of a quadroon in the baby and ultimately abandons his wife and the child only because he thinks Desiree does not have a pure white inheritance: It is also important to note the significant line which defines the entire theme of the story: â€Å"Moreover he no longer loved her, because of the unconscious injury she had brought upon his home and his name (Choplin 664)†. Moreover, the high handed emotional reactions incited by racialism is echoed by poems of yore such as Let America be America Again by Langston Hughes. Strong laments over their fate for being black can be seen in such works: However, the question that still seems to persists is whether the dream of letting â€Å"America be America Again†is now fulfilled. Whether or not the dream of seeing America in its original beauty and Letting â€Å"†¦America be the dream the dreamers dreamed/ Let(ing) it be that great strong land of love/ Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme†has been fulfilled (Huges 6-8). Perhaps it has. The America that we look at today is the America of diversity, democracy and racial multiplicity. There is perhaps not a single race of this earth that hasn’t walked the street of New York. There is no race that has not had the privilege of calling itself an American. That is because there is no more an identity associated with being an exclusive â€Å"American†. People are African-American, Japanese-American, Chinese-American, Indian-American and numerous others. Whatever country or race we add as prefix to â€Å"American†is an American! The question of apartheid is now almost dead. Being read in the eyes of the world as one of the most diverse civilization of this earth, America is in its best today as far as its wholesome nature of unification and equality is concerned. That is because, there is no culture of this world that America does not have. African is one of them. And any instance of even slight consideration of blacks as primitive to white seems to be a
Friday, November 1, 2019
Management (Bounded rationality) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Management (Bounded rationality) - Essay Example Emotions act on a wide range of situations causing biases and errors (Rabin 1998). In short this means that in certain circumstances the complex, human logical apparatus ceases to process rationality, which establishes grounds for the emergence of bounded rationality. "The other is that in interactive situations of complication, agents cannot rely upon other agents they are dealing with to behave under perfect rationality, and so they are forced to guess their behavior. This lands them in a world of subjective beliefs, and subjective beliefs Bounded rationality plays on suggestion. Bounded rationality could affect managers, because there is not enough information for the manager to make the rational decision. In such occasions, he has to rely on suggestive guesses and interpretations. This may create errors and mistakes in the strategic course that the organization is taking. Beach (1996) describes the implicit favorite model of decision making. First, the need for taking a decision is determined. Then, alternatives are identified and a selection for the implicit favorite alternative is chosen. Afterwards, criteria must be established to match the implicit favorite and alternatives a compared with the implicit favorite criteria. At the end the implicit favorite is confirmed and finally selected. ... The selection can be influenced by the salary, proximity of the office, extra working hours, business trips and job position. How could you utilize the intuition in making your decision And when The business world is a dynamic one and recently is has become less structured too. Thus, managers are forced to use their intuition in essential situations especially when there is lack of information. Intuition is often mistaken for emotions, though. Although intuition is formed in subconscious level, the intuitive decision making is a combination of quick qualitative and quantitative analyses (Quinn 1980). Intuition can help decision making, because it is based on past experiences and knowledge deeply rooted in your subconscious rational thinking. Thus, relying on our intuition can aid us in situations when there is little information available. Intuition can be used in situations when the circumstances are rapidly changing and there is no time for analyses. Intuition is needed also in expedient decision making when the problem is poorly defined and structured. If the deal is not structured, incomplete, there are conflicting points or ambiguity, intuition is required. Perceptual blinder is one of four reasons that increase the escalation of commitment, list the other three and elaborate on the Perceptual blinder We can define escalation of commitment as the tendency to invest additional financial resources in seemingly losing non beneficial projects, because they cost already lots of efforts, money and time. The perceptual blinder can influence the escalation of commitment on the bases of emotions - fears or anger. Staw and Ross (1987) summarized several reasons for the formation of
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
UK's over-Reliance on Deregulation and Current Economic Crisis Essay
UK's over-Reliance on Deregulation and Current Economic Crisis - Essay Example Debt accumulated in the deregulated industry of the United Kingdom through the rising acknowledgment on the amount of bad debt in the system was much bigger than that it was previously presumed to be. Sequentially, confusion arose amongst the United States financial regulators concerning the approach to be used to react to the increasing number of borrowing defaults. Reluctantly driven to make mortgage corporations Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac public, they suddenly swapped to permitting prominent investment banks Lehman Brothers to fold (Kilmister, 2008). 3. Crisis in European banking system The European banking system deteriorated into a downturn in three ways. Firstly, the intensifying tide of bad balances put the banks at risk of bankruptcy. Secondly, the clear change in the Federal Reserve policy from the previous save from bear sterns formed a panic in the inert-bank borrowing market. The United Kingdom was doubtful on which banks could withstand the bad debts and stopped the lend ing services that they offered, leading to an entire market seize up. Thirdly, stock market financial speculators also dreaded losses, hence drawing back from their shares. Bank regulation is grounded on the notion of borrowings can just be a definite amount of bank capital and such a situation is bound to go through a substantial decline in shares and ultimately reduce capital by a great extent. Bank borrowing in the European market decreased significantly ending in further risks of the stability of the financial system in the United Kingdom. While these issues were mainly experienced the US and UK only, the real estate sector shot up, and bank deregulation had been particularly strong in continental Europe....This paper aims to establish set of necessary measures, that should be taken by the government in order to to battle the ramifications of the economic Crisis in the UK. It is argued in the paper, that the level of deregulation in the monetary sectors of the UK had aggravated the economic impacts of the crisis. Financial modernization has enhanced liquidity and facilitated investors to spread risk of venturing in the financial sector through intercontinental diversification. The disadvantage of the approach is that worldwide implications of the present crisis are more reflective of past economic depressions. The spending cutbacks by the government were observed to be essential by contrasting the economies’ of United Kingdom with Greece and Ireland. Outside the Euro market, the United Kingdom faces a much superior flexibility on other financial markets apart from the bond markets. It is apparent that the objective of the government was to have the least level of state participation in the economic sector and provide subsidies that could be used to reinstate commercial and central banks to profitability positions, in anticipation of a rapid sale of the government’s ventures. The new regulatory protections rushed by the UK`s government have been implemented with the aim of preventing the outburst of another financial crisis. The new policies enacted by the governments have established an economy not ready for a financial crisis. The policies have created room for perhaps a much worse crisis in the future.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Pramoedya Anata Toer Essay Example for Free
Pramoedya Anata Toer Essay Inem, is a short story written by Pramoedya Anata Toer. He was a Indonesian short story writter and a novel writer, born in a village called Blora. Blora was the village in short story where (Gus Muk), his mom, and Inems family lived in. The author refers to his culture and events about his life in the story. His father in real life is a activist who ruined his family by obsessive gambling. Pramoedya writes alot of Indonesian literature. The aspects of culture in Inem, is the tradition of child marriages. In some parts of the world child marriages was a tradition. Girls at a young age were supposed to marry an older boy. The story also shows the reader some of the cultural aspects such as popular entertainment and dances in her area. The characters in the story are, Gus Muk (age6) a boy, also the narrator who basically trails Inems life. Inems father who is a criminal and gambles alot, her mother who lives off batik work and helps the family, and Markaban (age17) who is Inems husband. Lastly theres Inem (age 8) a so called beatiful girl in the neighbor hood who had great manners. Inem is in search of happiness with her new life and husband but ends up being a beaten divorcee. Overview/summary Its a story told in second person perspective about a beautiful young girl (Inem) who is a servant to a boy (Gus Muk) and his mother. In the story Inem is so beautiful and respectful and able to do many things but is only eight years old and Gus Muk is six. Eventually her mother found a man named, Markaban who is seventeen years old. Her mom did not want to let this marriage go so she wants Inem to get married so she can help her familly at home. Inems family and the husband family both accept the marriage. Inems father was a criminal who robbed people in the forest, but was never arrested. Inems mother had a talk with Gus Muks mother to try and get her to come home. The boys mother disapproves of the marriage and does not want Inem to go on with this. Gus Muks mom said Its not right to make children mary repeatedly. Inems mother said that it would be a shame for her not to be married at such a old age. Inem was later taken home to prepare for her wedding day. Gus Muks mom did not want him playing with Inem but that did not stop him from going over to play. The day before the wedding Gus Muk sent her family five kilos of rice and twenty-five cents as a gift. The day of her wedding came, and everything was going well, the house was decorated, the tajuban dancing girls was the entertainment, and finally Inem and her husband get married. Inem was officially married and worked with her mom making batik. Every night Gus Muk and his mother listen to screaming and crying when Inems husband wrestles with her. She comes crying to Gus Muks mom and tells her that Markaban beats her and she tells her to go back home and serve Markaban faithfully. Inem comes back again but finally divorced with her husband, and asks if Gus Muks mother can taker her back, but Gus Muks mom denies her request and sends her back home. Inem gets beaten by anyone who wanted to, her family and neighbors could because she was a burden to the family. Although she cries and screams she never came back to Gus Muks house.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Unconstitutionality of Capital Punishment Essay -- Argumentative P
The Unconstitutionality of Capital Punishment Capital punishment is one of the most popularly debated topics in the nation today. Since colonial times, more than 13,000 people have been legally executed. A large percentage of these executions occurred during the early 1900's. In the 1930's, as many as 150 people were being legally executed every year. However, the number of executions started to decrease as public outrage became apparent. In 1996, thirty-seven states, including New Jersey, legalized the death penalty. Of the other thirteen states, Michigan abolished the death penalty in 1847, Minnesota in 1853, and Alaska and Hawaii never had the death penalty. Today, there are over 2,000 people on "death row." Almost all are very poor, and a significant number of them are mentally retarded or disabled (ACLU 1). The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) dictates that, "In all circumstances, the death penalty is unconstitutional under the Eight Amendment, and that its discriminatory application violates the Fourteenth Amendment" (1), and therefore, capital punishment violates the Constitution. Capital punishment should be illegal throughout the nation for many reasons. Capital punishment has many supporters. One of the major arguments that these supporters express is that the death penalty serves as a deterrent to crime. They argue that if the death penalty is legalized and practiced, it will discourage others from committing a crime. However, by comparing the data of the states with the death penalty and the states without the death penalty, one can easily see that the death penalty has no effect in deterring crime. According to the National Research Council in 1976, "the available studies provide no useful evidence on th... ...deterrence, it is incapacitation(Kaminer) C. Human judgment is not infallible 1. The risk of executing the innocent is too high. 2. The death penalty is final-no way to reverse. 3. Death Penalty and Sentencing Information study. D. Unconstitutionality 1. Violates the Eighth Amendment-"prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment(Litardo). 2. Violates the Fourteenth Amendment-"guarantees of equal protection of the laws and due process"(Litardo). E. Discrimination 1. Gender discrimination(Bedau). 2. Racial discrimination(Bedau). 3. Socio-economic level discrimination(Bedau). III. Conclusion A. Capital punishment is not an effective way of approaching the crime problem. 1. Capital punishment has many different difficulties as an attempt to decrease and prevent crime 2. Capital punishment should be illegal throughout the nation.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Kowloon Motor Bus Co. Analysis
The Kowloon Motor Bus Co. (1933) Ltd. (KMB) is the largest public bus company in Hong Kong. KMB carries over 2. 8 million passengers per day and operates some 4,000 buses on 400 bus routes cover and across Kowloon, the New Territories and Hong Kong Island. KMB is the only local bus company to hold both ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001 certification and has earned the distinction of being one of the few public bus companies in the world to operate profitably without a government subsidy.Innovation – The Way Forward. As a leader in public bus operations, KMB pioneered the development of super-low-floor easy access buses in 1996 to provide comfortable access for people in need. To extend the company's service network without increasing the number of buses on the road, and to offer passengers the convenience of point-to-point travel, KMB operates 61 Octopus Bus-Bus Interchange fare discount packages comprising about 250 bus routes. Cost advantage: To streamline operations and track cos ts, the company uses a computerised Bus Maintenance Management System and an electronic Traffic Operations Management System.These in-house innovations have won acclaim from the Hong Kong Computer Society. Brand loyalty: Outstanding Customer Communications KMB has developed web-based and face to face communication channels to complement the company's widely used award winning Customer Service Hotline. The 24-hour KMB Customer Service Hotline uses geographic information technology in the form of a digital map Passenger Enquiry (PEQ) System to uphold its pledge of first contact resolution for customer enquiries.The system is equipped with 3-D images of over 100,000 landmarks to provide prompt and personalized bus route information. Since its launch, the digital map has won wide acclaim in local, regional and international awards for technology innovation, and the KMB Customer Service Hotline was recently named as the best contact centre of its class in the world. KMB, the winner of th e CILT A ward 2007 – Passenger Transport Excellence organised a Depot Visit and Presentation Session to share their environmental protection works with CILTHK members on 29th March 2008.At the event, KMB was presented with the logo of CILT Award 2007 for use throughout the year to strengthen their reputation as well as a corporate image for their quality service provided to the community. Competitors: Taxi services We observe that in the past 10 years or so, rail, franchised and non-franchised bus and PLB services have all been extended and improved. Against this background taxi services (the vehicle, passenger facilities and the driver's service and driving skills) have changed little. The earlier competitive advantage taxis had as convenient, air-conditioned services has been substantially eroded.Furthermore, the fare is no longer competitive on longer journeys, leading to fierce competition between taxi drivers through discounted services. A better operating environment fo r taxis, thereby allowing them to provide better service to passengers in accordance with the policy objective of providing a personalized, point to point, public transport service. The flexibility and personal service provided by taxis make them ideal for this purpose, provided a suitable vehicle can be found. Once introduced, subsidies may be made available to facilitate those in wheelchairs using the service.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Tennis Ball Drop
Tennis Ball Inquiry Goal Purpose When received this lab we had to come up with an experiment that would have to involve testing two tennis balls but one of the tennis ball had to be altered in one way. The way we tested the tennis ball was by dropping them from a certain height and seeing how high they bounce back up. We then would make a graph and then see the relationship between the data.Once finding the relationship we can then linearity the data. This was initial practice for our next ELSE. Variables Our independent variable for this experiment was the height we had dropped tooth of the tennis balls from. The dependent variable was the tennis balls. One of them we left untouched and the other one was soaked In water before each drop. Procedure To setup the experiment we had to use three meter sticks and two standard tennis balls.We took all three of the meter sticks aligning them vertically up against the wall. Taping them into place we were then able to use them to measure the height of the dropping point. Using our eye sight we had to determine how far up the ball bounced up on the meter stick. We then proceeded to find three appropriate heights to drop then tennis ball at. Dropping it three times at each height and then averaging the data. On the soaked tennis ball we would soak the ball for two seconds before each drop.We also measured the weight of each ball before dropping them. After doing this 3 times each and receiving our averages we were able to create our data and see the relationship between the two. Data The ball that wasn't soaked weighed and average of 5. 4 grams. The soaked ball averaged the weight of 5. 9 grams.
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